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TWs: Mention of colliding, secrecy, insecurities, intrusive thoughts/voices, feeling drained. Stay safe :)

"What did you say?" Venus spoke, he and Mars sharing a look.

"Who is... Theia?" Earth echoed louder as he spun to meet the duo's gaze.

"You remem-?" Mars got cut off by one of the Gas Giants.

"A planet that used to be in this solar system," Jupiter spoke, his eyes weary.

"What happened to her?" Earth asked.

"She... disappeared a long, long time ago."

"Did she-"

"Earth!" A voice yelled as a grey blur flew into his orbit, "Are you okay? Are you hurt!?"

Earth huffed, rolling his eyes as he assured his moon that he was fine.

"Why'd you lie?" Mars questioned once Earth and Luna went out of hearing range.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell him the whole truth." Jupiter shrugged.

"That's... the same thing." Venus spoke, "And we call you the smart and honest one."

Jupiter sighed, "Like I said, I didn't lie... Theia is gone- her physical being is destroyed."

"What are you saying?" Mars asked.

"Look at Earth and Luna. Don't you sense something... familiar about how they act?"

"Well, yeah, after they collided, Proto-Earth and Theia's broken parts formed to make Earth and his moon," Venus observed.

"And most of Earth's water came from Theia's celestial being." Mars continued.

"Go on..." Jupiter nodded.

Mars hummed as he looked on at the two, "Huh."

"Did you get something?" Venus asked.

"Maybe- don't you think Luna acts a bit like Proto-Earth and Theia?"

"Oh, uh, now that you say it... yeah."

"That's not all. Earth acts like Theia." Jupiter cut in.

Venus scoffed, "Now you're pulling my core."

"Yeah, I don't see it," Mars spoke.

"It's true! The competitiveness, welcoming nature, bright personality, short-temperedness..." Jupiter went down the list.

"Oh, never mind. I totally see it." Mars squinted. Venus had a sad look in his eyes as he also saw it. Mars peered up at Jupiter, "Well, what are we supposed to do? Keep it a secret forever?"

"Not forever." Jupiter shook his core, "Just until he's ready to hear it."

"Why can't we tell him now?" Venus asked.

"Imagine being told you're the creation of two planets colliding with each other," Jupiter said. Saturn winced from beside him, thinking of his precious moons and what he'd accidentally done to them.

"Yeah, okay..." Mars mumbled, "But it's on you if he finds out prematurely."

"I can live with that." Jupiter sighed.

On the other side of the Goldilocks Zone, Earth was floating there staring at Mars and Venus talking to Jupiter and Saturn.

He felt- well, he didn't know how he felt.

Angry? No.

Sad? Maybe.

Lonely...? Definitely.

He spoke a random planet's name and suddenly everyone was probably talking about him behind his back. It wasn't fair. He needed to know who this 'Theia' was and why Mars and Venus had those looks on their faces, almost as if they were shocked or, even scared.

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