"Scrambled Eggs"

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[We open to a shot of KeeKee asleep, with Charlie, Vaggie, and Razzle and Dazzle putting up a banner that reads "Happy first week Madam Pentious!"]

Charlie: "That looks perfect! Aah! I'm so excited Madam Pentious is staying at the Hotel!"

Vaggie: "Uh, hun she was just trying to take over the city with her steam punk bullshit."

Charlie: "Well I haven't seen her pull any of that here!"

[Madam Pentious comes in rolling new machine that her Egg Bois are sitting on.]

Vaggie: "What the hell is that?"

Madam Pentious: "Oh hello purple female, It's my newest invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shoot the other residents!"

[Y/N pops his head in immediately after she said that.]

Y/N: "You're the most paranoid person I've ever ever met."

Madam Pentious: "Thank you! W-"

Charlie: "Wait? Why?"

Madam Pentious: "Everyone is being too nice. It's obviously a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? And how? I must be prepared! Ooh! The new parts I ordered are here!"

[Odette and Clara in, wheeling in boxes of weapons. Pentious runs over to them.]

Odette: [Holds Clipboard] "Sign, please."

[Pentious signs the clipboard as Odette and Clara come in wheeling in boxes of weapons.]

Odette: "Thank you for your business. Enjoy your carmine purchase."

Y/N: "Tell your mother, I said hi."

[That was a voice Odette and Clara never expected to hear again. Due to the fact when most people attacked their mother they would instantly be hunted down.]

Clara: "Actually our mother would prefer you to do that in person." [Hands Envelop] "I don't know what you did to her... but I can't object her orders."

Y/N: [Pats head] "Good girl!"

[Odette and Clara walk away as Madam Pentious runs to her newly acquired weapons

Vaggie: "Carmine? As in, Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?"

Madam Pentious: "Uh, of course. She's the best weapons dealer in hell!"

Y/N: [Inspects the contents of the crates] "So Carmine really makes these weapons to have..."Quality?"

[Vaggie takes Pentious's boxes away.]

Madam Pentious: "Hey!"

Vaggie: "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome."

[Y/N can be seen opening the letter he got from Carmilla only for Charlie to peer over his shoulder.]

Charlie: [Cutesy] "What's it say?"

Y/N: "Meh... Probably just overlord stuff, congratulating me on battles, stuff like that!"

[Charlie still not satisfied starting to push on by starting to ruffle your H/C colored hair.]

Charlie: "If it's just overlord stuff why can't I read it?"

Y/N: "Uhhh... Why are you so interested in My

Charlie: "Don't change the subject... What's it say?"

[The scene then pans the argument Vaggie and Madam Pentious were having.]

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