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"I have a million things to talk to you about. All I want in this world is you. I want to see you and talk. I want the two of us to begin everything from the beginning."-Haruki Murakami

Breakfast was all good and fun for everyone, especially Arnav. All of the old servants are putting so much food to pamper him, they put some sweet on his place with smile that he couldn't refuse them.

"Damini Maasi, he got sugar problem so please take it of his plate." Khushi requested kindly.

"Hey bhagwan, so young already have sugar disease? I pray for your good health.. When you get time please do visit R&K hospital, my son works there a doctor." Old lady advised him before leaving.

He was surprised, mother of a doctor working as a servant?

Khushi understand his confusion so she answered his unasked question.

"Maasi been working for years, Rathore helped her son's education even gave him work in the hospital to practice.. This place not home to just Rathore family but to the entire village itself. We are one big family." Khushi proudly said with a wide smile on her.

Arnav noticed something weird," Rathore adopted you as his daughter but you still why are you calling him by his surname?"

Khushi was looked slightly embarrassed," Because.. I'm not his real daughter, I'm not going overstep the boundaries."

Khushi sighed, "Now eat. Otherwise before we finish this breakfast, the lunch time will arrive. Don't eat anything sweet while you are staying here, I'll everyone know just in case."

"You.. Care?" He asked in a gentle voice, like he expected her to help but to enjoy his misery.

Khushi looked at him with a complicated expression on her face for a long time, and in the end couldn't help saying, "I prefer to keep my enemy alive so I can make them suffer, I don't want you to die so easily."

Arnav smiled hearing, "Khushi if your hate have so much care in it, I wish I could get the taste your love also."

Khushi smirked, "But you don't deserve it." Taunting him is now very satisfying.

"I will become someone who deserve you." Arnav whisper before eating, leaving Khushi speechless since when did this Raizada become so shameless?

Hmmph who cares..!


When Veer return home it was almost afternoon, he went to stay over at his best friend's home, only arrived home now in bad mood knowing his future step mother is going stay with them.

His peaceful day with his father seem nowhere to be found. He fumed as entered the home but he ends up tripping and hurt his toe.

"Ah.." He cry out in pain but control himself.. He is not a cry baby ok? He slowly drag himself avoid everyone and tries reach his bedroom in third floor via lift.

His toe is bleeding terribly, then he heard a voice saying, "Beta, you're hurt.." Her voice is soothing and caring, he feels like crying already..

He saw a woman with veil covering, she helped him and brought him to the poolside chair. "Sit here.." She then ran in hurry after telling him, "Wait a bit, I will bring the first aid kit."

Then she came back swiftly running with first aid box. She kneel and cleaned his wound.. "Is it painful?" She asked softly.

"Ah.." He winched in response, she careful tend his wounded toe. "It's nothing, it's will be fine in two or three day. You're so great and patient, big boy, see it's fine now." She praised him for his patience.

TALE OF KHUSHI THE GOLD DIGGER (2)Where stories live. Discover now