the mystery blood

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We stepped back outside and. Grabbed our suits to put on and  after we put them on we walk back inside and take a sample of the blood to take and test we slowly. Look though the first level of the house and find some papers with names and dates on them  we picked them up and stuck them in a folder named evidence  we keep looking and find some more blood in I think the  master bedroom and bathroom we keep looking around and find some drawings  that looked like a kid drew them we put them in the folder and  walk to the kitchen to find some cold food that looked like it's been there a while we slowly walk upstairs to find more papers and some broken pictures of the family we walk into the kids room and find a broke window so it looked like someone broke in or someone was trying to leave  we.    Look around and find some pieces of clothes on the broken glass along with some blood 

the stormy night  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang