the store

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After  the kid and dog got up.   We fed them and went to the store close by to get them some actual food that we knew they would eat and some smaller clothes for the kid    we  put them in the car and started to drive to the closes store we know we get there and it seems abandoned but. There is lights on and. It looks like  there people in the store so we walk to the doors and walk in we find the clothes and food for the dog and then get some other things like  a leash  and harness for the dog  we start to walk back to pay and the dog runs off so we follow he ends leading us to a person that is injured and looks like this just happened we. Help the person and   ask who did this to them they say that  it was a guy that didn't live  very far but the odd thing is that the guy so called died 2 years ago   we get the person to the ambulance and start back to the hotel and give the kid and dog some time to play and rest.

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