the basement

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We walk down in the basement and we turn our lights one and we end up finding a body laying there we take the body for evidence and to see the cause of death we keep exploring the basement to find  a few pieces of evidence that seems like it leads us to something else we walk into a back room of the basement and find a dog    chained to the wall that is still alive and it is growling and barking but it also has blood in its mouth      we come up  with a plan to undo the dog and to get a sample of the blood   we walk the dog outside to our car and  stick him in the car with the. Heat on sense it was a winter   afternoon    soon we walk back down to the basement  and  find another body but this one is different it looks like a kid about 4-6 years old and   she has blood all over here we hear crying in the distance and we walk    to it and find a kid about 3-4 years old alive and looks like there hurt. And there yelling and screaming for something named  tank I run up and grab the dog and come back down when I bring the dog back in. It runs over to the kid and lays down and the kid seem to calm down a little  we grab the kid and dog and we head back to the car sense it was getting colder and darker so we decided to head back to the hotel room and give the kid and dog a bath sense they were both covered  in blood and other stuff

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