CHAPTER 1 : New beginnings

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California ,13th August 2015...
The sun beat down on the bustling streets of California as Emily Limbourg stepped out of the taxi, her heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. She glanced up at the address scrawled on a slip of paper, confirming it matched the one she had committed to memory. This was it - her new home.

Emily adjusted the strap of her backpack, her gaze sweeping over the modest apartment building before her. It wasn't much, but it was hers. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, the scent of fresh paint mingling with the sounds of laughter drifting from nearby apartments.
As she climbed the stairs to her new place, Emily couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. She missed her mom, despite the chaos that always seemed to surround her. But she knew she couldn't stay there, not anymore. She needed a fresh start, away from the memories that haunted her.

Unlocking the door to her apartment, Emily stepped inside and let out a sigh of relief. It was small, but cozy, with sunlight streaming in through the windows and casting a warm glow over the space. Dropping her bag by the door, she took a moment to soak it all in.

Her thoughts turned to her friends, Rachel and Ban. They had been her rock through thick and thin, and she couldn't wait to tell them all about her new adventure. Pulling out her phone, she quickly opened their group chat, aptly named "Losers," and sent a message:
"Hey guys, guess who just made it to California? 😎"
As she waited for their responses, Emily couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, she knew she wasn't alone. With Rachel and Ban by her side, she could conquer anything. And as she looked out at the city skyline stretching out before her, she knew that this was just the beginning of her journey.
As she was lost in her thoughts, suddenly a notification appeared on her phone screen so she opened the notification :

Rachel: Oh my gosh, Emily! You're finally here! 🎉 How was the trip?

Emily: Long, but I made it in one piece. My new place is cozy, not much but it'll do.

Ban: Cozy sounds perfect! Better than our old high school hangout, right? 😂

Emily: Definitely better than that dingy old basement. At least this place has sunlight!

Rachel: Have you explored the neighborhood yet?

Emily: Not yet, but I'm planning to. Any recommendations?

Ban: You have to try that little café on the corner, they have the best chai lattes!

Emily: Sounds perfect for a caffeine fix. Thanks, Ban!

Rachel: And don't forget to check out the park nearby, it's great for a peaceful walk.

Emily: Will do. Thanks, Rach!

Rachel: Anytime, Em. We're just a text away if you need anything, okay?

Emily: Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Ban: You'd be lost without us losers! 😜Emily: True that. Love you guys.

Rachel: Love you too, Em. Take care and keep us posted on your California adventures!

Emily: Will do. Catch you later, losers! 😘

After exchanging goodbyes with her friends, Emily couldn't shake off the excitement bubbling within her. She unpacked her belongings, making the cozy apartment feel more like home with each item she placed. As she settled into her new space, her thoughts wandered to Rachel and Ban.

Rachel had been the one to suggest California as a fresh start, away from the heartbreak of her recent breakup with Ethan. Emily made a mental note to check in on her friend later, knowing that Rachel's brave facade often masked her vulnerability.

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