CHAPTER 10: Anna's father

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Turning back to Camillo, he asserted his dominance, "We're having a talk, man to man."

Anna, filled with regret and approaching her father, spoke with a trembling voice, "Dad... I didn't mean to." But her father, disappointed by Anna's reaction and still holding his injured nose, stopped her from getting any closer. "Don't come closer to me," he instructed firmly before turning to leave the restaurant.

Witnessing the exchange between Anna and her father, Camillo felt a mixture of concern and helplessness. He watched as Anna, overwhelmed by her father's behavior and disgusted by her own reaction, followed her father's footsteps out of the restaurant.

Desperate to reach out to Anna and offer comfort, Camillo moved to catch up with her, but she halted him with a plea, "I need to be alone for a moment, please." Understanding her need for space, Camillo nodded with empathy, his expression reflecting his uncertainty about what to do next. He remained in the restaurant, grappling with the weight of the situation and unsure of how to proceed.

Back to the present, 15th August 2015

Camillo, exhausted from passing through the hoop, rolled on the ground once he landed, feeling drained and sore. Matthiew's voice broke the silence, expressing satisfaction at Camillo's completion of the task. "Good job, Mr. Rodriguez," he commended, applauding lightly. However, his curiosity lingered, and he inquired about Camillo's statement regarding regretting the time he met his wife's father. '' however, What do you mean exactly when you said you regret the meeting ?" Matthiew asked, his gaze shifting upwards with interest.

Struggling to find a comfortable position against the wall, Camillo's frustration boiled over, and he snapped back with venom, "That's none of your f*cking business, bastard!" Matthiew, feigning offense at the insult, responded with a mocking gesture. "Oh my! Why such rudeness? I was just asking" he retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. But his demeanor quickly shifted as he fixed his gaze on Camillo, asserting, "and I just did my job, which is, what I say, legitimate."

Camillo, still seething with anger, accused Matthiew of endangering his life with his supposed job. "Your job, my ass! I could have died! Your job is killing people, huh!?" he lashed out, the bitterness evident in his voice. Matthiew, unfazed by the outburst, approached the stage and leaned against it casually, maintaining his composure. "First  of all, my job has nothing to do with your ass, secondly, Mr. Rodriguez, you still have a task to do, if I may remind you," he reminded Camillo, his tone laced with amusement. With a slight chuckle, he urged Camillo to address his question directly. "And please, for God's sake, stop changing the subject and answer my question."

Camillo, locking eyes with Matthiew, asserted, "If I clearly catch, the task is done, so I don't have to answer to any question anymore," his tone carrying a hint of menace. Matthiew, unfazed by the intimidation, gracefully gestured with his hands, adopting a nonchalant shrug. "🤷🏻‍♂️ It's all up to you," he remarked, turning his back to Camillo as he made his way back to his seat. With a casual yet pointed remark, he suggested, "Whatever you're hiding, we know it. Whatever you're thinking, we're thinking the same. We're all human, and your body language says a lot—that you're scared as hell."

As Matthiew settled into his seat, he continued his probing inquiry. "You said earlier that you're afraid of losing your wife because of what you did," he noted, his voice oozing with confidence. Camillo, sensing the gravity of the situation, looked up at Matthiew from the stage, silently acknowledging the accuracy of Matthiew's deductions. Matthiew pressed on, confidently asserting, "So if I may conclude the result, what you did has something to do with the meeting with Anna's father... Am I wrong?"

With frustration building, Camillo gritted his teeth and unleashed his pent-up anger, punching the ground in frustration. "Damn!" he exclaimed, the weight of his actions bearing down on him. Collecting himself, he continued to stare at the ground, the memories flooding back. "What I did was for the good of us," he muttered, his voice heavy with emotion.

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