Chapter 5: Good or bad idea?

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Emily raised an eyebrow, her expression incredulous. "Kind of? What does that even mean?" she pressed, unable to hide her curiosity.

Rachel sighed, her expression pained. "Well, I just asked him what he wanted," she explained, her voice tinged with sadness.

Emily raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And what did that bring you? Why didn't you just ignore him?" she pressed, her frustration evident.

Rachel looked down, her gaze clouded with uncertainty. "I know he hurt me, but that doesn't stop me from still having feelings for him," she admitted softly.

Emily let out a sigh, her frustration evident. "Alright... What did he say?" she asked, her tone tinged with exasperation.

"He said that he wanted to apologize for what he did and that his intentions weren't to hurt me," Rachel replied, her voice tinged with doubt.

Emily rolled her eyes, disbelief evident in her expression. "Yeah, and you believe what he's saying!?" she exclaimed incredulously.

Rachel hesitated, her gaze dropping to her hands. "Well, no... But what if I want to give him another chance?" she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Emily shook her head, feeling a surge of frustration. "Rach, don't be naive, please," she pleaded, her concern for her friend evident.

Rach wanting to change the subject put a sudden smile on her face then said jokingly '' Well ,Em, i'm not that stupid anyway''. As the food arrived they became quiet enjoying their food ,but Emily couldn't shake the feeling of unease lingering from the mysterious invitation she had received the night before. Despite Rachel's attempts to lighten the mood, Emily found it hard to shake off her unease.

Rachel noticed Emily's preoccupied expression and nudged her gently. "Hey, you seem distracted. Everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Emily forced a smile, trying to push aside her worries. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind, you know?" she replied vaguely.

Rachel studied her friend for a moment, sensing that there was more to Emily's mood than she was letting on. "Well, you know you can always talk to me about anything, right?" she offered, reaching out to squeeze Emily's hand reassuringly.

Emily nodded gratefully, touched by Rachel's concern. "Thanks, Rach. I appreciate it," she murmured softly.

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, and Emily found herself momentarily distracted from her concerns as they caught up on each other's lives. But as they finished their meal and prepared to leave the restaurant, Emily's thoughts returned to the mysterious invitation.

As they stepped out onto the bustling city street, Emily turned to Rachel hesitantly. "Hey, Rach... There's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice tentative.

Rachel furrowed her brow, sensing the seriousness in Emily's tone. "Of course, Em. What's on your mind?" she asked, giving her friend her full attention.

Taking a deep breath, Emily decided to confide in Rachel about the invitation she had received. "Last night, I got this strange invitation... to join some company," she explained, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I don't know who sent it or what it's about, but it just feels... off."

Rachel listened intently, her expression thoughtful. "That does sound weird," she agreed, furrowing her brow in concern. "Do you have any idea who it could be from?"

Emily shook her head, her brows knit together in frustration. "No, that's the thing. It's like they know everything about me, but I have no clue who they are," she admitted, feeling a pang of anxiety gnawing at her.

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