CHAPTER 12: My two best friends

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After bidding farewell to Matthiew, Emily returned home and found herself lying on her bed, reflecting on the events of the day. Glancing at her phone, she was surprised to see a flurry of missed calls and messages from Rach. "Ah, shit! Now she'll think I'm some kind of dead and maybe signal the cops for my disappearance," Emily muttered to herself, realizing the extent of Rach's concern. Quickly composing a message to reassure her friend, she replied, "Hi Rach, I'm okay, don't worry. I'm safely back home." With the late hour, Emily assumed Rach was probably asleep by now, finally finding some rest after her worrying.

As she lay there, Emily delved into her thoughts, musing over the encounter with Matthiew. "Matthiew kinda reminds me of Ban," she murmured, her mind drifting back to her friend. "Ban also smiled at me that way once, but there was something different in Matthiew's gaze." Lost in contemplation, Emily pondered the nuances of Matthiew's demeanor compared to Ban's, sensing an underlying complexity that intrigued her.


Boston , 2008

As Emily walked down a street in Boston, she found herself confronted by a group of boys. "Hey you!" one of them called out, drawing her attention. Confused, Emily pointed at herself and asked, "Me?" The boy confirmed, ''yes you loser''  before laughing along with his friends. He then proposed to Emily  '' i want you to play a game with me '' to which Emily adamantly refused '',i don't want to play at any game so leave me alone please'',expressing her disinterest. Unwilling to let her go, the boy stopped her and insisted '' nahhh, i think you didn't clearly hear What i said i want you to play....'', but Emily interrupted him, and said  '' a game with  you , yes i know ...then? What if you want? No one Care about What you want ''.

Before he could react, Emily defiantly asserted herself, challenging his authority and dismissing his desires. Enraged by her defiance, the boy slapped her across the face saying '' you b*tch ! '', resorting to violence to assert dominance. He then commanded his group to attack her, but Emily remained undaunted, taunting them with a mocking tone despite the blood trickling from her mouth '' hah, telling your dogs to attack is typically a loser's move ''. As tensions escalated, the boy's anger reached a boiling point, and he seized Emily by her clothes, preparing to escalate the confrontation further.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when another boy, wearing a red hat,it was Ban, he intervened. "Hey!" he called out, stepping forward to defend Emily. With a firm stance and clear determination, he said then ,'' don't hurt her you asshole!''

The boy who was holding Emily's clothes turned to him and said, "Ohhh look, your little boyfriend came to rescue you," then laughed. Ban then said, "Firstly, I'm not her boyfriend. Secondly, why do y'all attack a girl instead of a man, huh? Or y'all are too weak to attack people stronger than you?"

The boy holding Emily's clothes pushed her aside and attempted to punch Ban. However, he managed to dodge and kicked the boy directly in the belly, then punched him on the nose. His group watched as their leader was beaten by a random guy, too afraid to retaliate, and eventually fled, leaving their boss lying on the ground. He screamed, holding his nose, "Hey, don't leave me here!"

Despite the commotion, Ban didn't stop. He sat on the belly of the boy lying on the ground and continued to punch him. Then he demanded, "Present your apologies to the girl now." The boy, covered in blood, apologized, and then ran away.

Ban extended his hand to help Emily get up and said, "I am Ban." Emily looked into his eyes, took his hand, and got up. She replied, "I'm Emily." Ban smiled slightly and remarked, "You're brave. You weren't afraid of him." Emily then asked, "Why did you help me?" Ban answered, "Because I couldn't just watch them hurt you while I could help you."

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