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Isabella's pov.
Iam on my way to my parent's house.
Yes, it's my parent's house not mine.
I never felt like home there. Not even once in my life.

I've never got the love I should have just because of a mistake. I don't even know if it was my mistake or not.
All I've gotten in that house is constant comparison and unlimited taunts.

As soon as I enter the house, I was welcomed with a hard slap on my face.

"Dad.......". I whisper as I see him.
He just slapped me but that's not new.
I've grown habituated to it.

"Don't you dare call me Dad". He shouts.

"W-What have I done now?". I as in a low voice.
It has to be my fault. That's what they say atleast.

"What have you done? You fucking don't care about us. You don't care about any one of us. You don't care about your brother". My mom says coming towards us with her usual stoic face.

"Why-". She cuts me off and says.

"Why are you not accepting the offer to work at Smith corporation? Are you fucking mad? Do you even know how much beneficial it is for us? You fucking failed the interview am year ago but now that they are offering you themselves, you are fucking declining". She says pulling my arm tightly.

That's when it hits me. So it was all about that job. Ofcourse, it has always been about money for them. They don't care about me nor my brother. They think Iam a failure and my brother is a burden. It has always been like this.

"I don't want to work there" i say in a low voice. I have never raised my voice at them. I wish I could. Let alone loud voice, I have never even talked to them in normal tome.

"YOU FUCKING-". Mom cuts Dad off by stoping his hand from slapping me.

"That's enough". She says and drags me outside of the house.

"Look Isabella, we need money. We need money for your brother's college fees, his therapy sessions, house's rent, Hospital bills. We need money for us. And for all of this, you have to work there, they are even offering you 8000 Dollars for a month, don't lose this opportunity". She says emotionally blackmailing me.

Mom and Dad are so opposite. Dad uses his hands Instead of mouth and she uses his mouth instead of hands.
She has always blackmailed me since I was a kid.

"After all, it's all your fault". She adds the last part.
Ofcourse, she would say that.

"Okay". I say looking down.

"Great, let's have lunch". She says and walks inside leaving me outside of the house.
I scoff at myself.

"Why did you even think that your self respect matters?". I mumble to myself.

After having not so happy lunch, I made my way to my apartment.

"Are you okay? Why does your cheek look red? Did he slap you again?". Evelyn says as soon as I enter the apartment.

"Leave it, eve. I want to stay alone for sometime". I say slightly pushing her out of my way and run to my room.

Tears started leaving my eyes as I hit my bed. My cries echo in my room.

What have I done wrong to deserve this kind of treatment? Why do I have to be this weak?

"Isa". Evelyn says hugging me.

"I made a.. mistake aga-again Eve". I say between my sobs.

"No Isa, you didn't make any mistake. They are the one treating you bad all this time". She says stroking my hairs.

"No th-they are right. Iam the one to be blamed for all of this. Only if I never p-". She cuts me off.

"You didn't do that Isa, you didn't do that. Stop blaming yourself for something you haven't done". She says.

"But that's what they say. They say that I did that". I say looking into her eyes with my tearful ones.

"Why don't you just cut ties with all of them? It's not like you're gonna miss your parents, you never had them in the first place". She says.

"How can I do that? Daniel needs me". I say.

"What about you? Why don't you think about yourself?". She says and I just laugh painfully.

"I can't do that Eve, I can't afford that". I say.

"Anyways, you should go back to your office. Iam fine". I say wiping my tears.

"Are you sure?". She says and I just nod my head.
She pats my head and leave my room.

I call the number that some man from Smith corporation gave me.

"Who is it?". Other person says picking up the call.

"Isabella Williams speaking. Iam ready to work at your company but I have some conditions". I say and that person sighs in relief I guess.

"What conditions?". He asks.

"I won't work on holidays, I need my salary on time and I won't tolerate any disrespect especially disguised as a joke". I say.

"Don't worry Miss Williams, all your conditions will be completed". He says.

"What's your name by the way?". I ask.

"Zain murphy". He says.

"You can start working from tomorrow. Call me when you reach our company, I'll lead you". He says.

"Okay". I say and cut the call.

I just sigh and zone out for some hours maybe until my eyes feel heavy and I fell asleep.

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