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A woman quietly watched the sun set in front of her, promising a beautiful tomorrow as it said goodbye. But no one knows, storm may come and cause havoc.

And it scares her.

A gust of wind passed by and it blew away her black long wavy hair, making it looks like a lovely mess around her. She's sitting on the white sand as her hair danced with the wind. She looked at her reflection in the blue ocean clear as crystal. A smile formed in her thin lips, soft and gentle like a lamb. But her brown eyes scream otherwise.

It's not happiness nor sadness.

But a certain emptiness that can never be filled when she has nothing but a chaotic life.

On the other side of the vast ocean, is a man standing on the sand, capturing the moment when the sun finally slipped from the horizon. The golden light of the sunset was captured by the lens of his camera and by his naked eyes. One that look like a cold-blooded stare but really warm and affectionate.

His khaki pants got wet when the water reached it but he just shrugged it off and continue to take shots of the natural scenery. He's smiling like he wants to live in there forever. A smile that reached his eyes unlike the woman who was still sitting on the sand, staring blankly at the ocean, miles away from him.

Two people in one place.

Near yet far.

Unbeknownst to them, they were connected by the strings of destiny. One may soon come for another as one will commit a sin and one will save the latter.

And it was only then, the sinner meets the savior.  

Sinner and SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now