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  I take of running as 2 huge men come running through the trees, wolves come from the other direction as Scott lights his fire and they pause slightly then look to me, I smile and wave at them making them angry, they growl and I feel for their emotions and I know their determination will make it harder to take them down so I prepare as the first dives for me I step out of the way and grab his hair kneeing him in the jaw, the crunch tells me it's broken so I grab his jaw and twist it and rip it of his face as Scott jumps in and takes out the other, I snap his neck and drop him as another approaches me from behind.
  I turn and duck as he throws a punch and instead I grab him and think of him paralysed, his body goes limp and he falls in a heap on the ground as Jax sprints towards us as Scott kills the biggest one. One sets his eyes on Jax pissing me off so I take of running towards Jasper Jax's wolf and I jump over the top of him and dive tossing the rogue to the ground thinking of him paralysed just as another screams and runs for me, she's a big bastard and She is furious. I must have tossed her mate so I smile and touch him and I make him feel like he's dead and she screams falling to the ground clutching her chest gasping for air as everyone else finishes the fight I stand up and walk to her touching her face and thinking of her following me, she stands like a robot and follows me to her mate as Jasper goes to end the paralysed rogue.
  "Jasper don't, Scott let your flames go and bring him over here"
  I think of the girls mate doing what I say, it's like they are hypnotised by me, Scott carries the other over so he is sitting in front of the others
  "Can you hear me?"
  I kneel down and touch him, I think of him calm and not moving. Willing to answer
  "Ok now I'm going to show you what I can do, I'm going to show you just how messed up we can be, I'm going to show you what will happen if any of your people come near our pack again ok? Then you will go back to your pack and you will tell them what I can do, what will happen if they dare to come back ok?"
  He nods slightly, I could feel the terror in his chest as I sit beside him with my legs crossed and I point to the 2 other rogue mates
  "They are mates, correct?"
  He whispers, I smile
  "You, rip your mates heart from his chest"
  Her eyes open as she tries to resist but she can't because she is weak willed. I can tell. She kneels in front of her mate, he's crying as he watches her.
  "No please don't"
  He cries,
  "Do it now"
  I demand and she does screaming in pain as she rips his heart out I look to Scott
  "Scott light your hand on fire and burn her alive"
  Scott walks towards her with blazing hands, he grabs her throat and his fire spreads as she screams dying slowly by fire, I look to the man and smile
  "So do you see now what will happen if they come back here"
  He nods, crying silent tears I growl
  "Yyyyessss yes I do"
  I touch him
  "Now you're going to go back to the leader of your group and you're going to tell them what happened here today, you're going to tell them that just one word from me and she ripped her mate's heart from his chest. Your going to tell him my mate set the other on fire with his hand and when you have finished telling them that your going to wait until the perfect opportunity and you are going to kill the leader, and as many of the group as you can, you will do this in secret and you won't ever tell a soul that I asked you to do it ok?"
  "Good now if you get out of this alive run, leave that pack and join a real pack and become a good person and follow only those who deserve your respect, got it?"
  "Good, you may go"
  I let him go and I look to deacon
  "Can you make sure he gets off territory alive and Jax have some elite meet him at the border and follow him home"
  I touch him again
  "You will lead our men right to your pack in secret. You understand!"
  I let go and he stands up and wipes his face walking in the same direction that he came from just as Isla arrives and throws shorts on jaspers head, I chuckle and lay back on the grass as he shifts and dresses himself
  "Isla close your damn eyes that is your cousins mate you can't.. you know what get in the damn house"
  I break out in giggles as Jake freaks out and chases a giggling Isla into the house, Jax looks down at me, he is like a giant looking down at me.
  "You have a lot of explaining to do"
  He reaches down and lifts me up kissing my cheek
  "Am I in trouble?"
  I ask confused, he shakes his head
  "Nope but a lot of explaining"
  "Explaining what?"
  "Where you learned how to do that, how you fight, why you fight, what exactly did your father teach you and so forth"
  I shrug laying back and enjoying the ride
  "Cool but I'm drinking"
  "Me to"
  Ailm says opening the door of the house, Jax walks us out the back and he lays down on the daybed, everyone piles out as Ailm hands me a jar of poitín and a joint, I take a drink and light up as everyone but the girls stare at me
  "What? It's no big deal"
  "No big deal? You new down to the second who was coming, from which direction and who was more deadly all without seeing any of them"
  Jake said annoyed at me, I can't help but chuckle, I shrug and lay back
  "Fine fine but it's no big deal, mum and dad were the Oneil pack gammas but before that dad grew up in a rogue pack, they were a biker gang and he always thought the training in a pack was useless in the real world, he and mum both hated pack politics, hated a lot about being a pack. Anyway when they had just had me the pack was attacked by rogues and dad was fighting and so busy protecting some random pack members that he never noticed a few got past the defences and almost killed me and mum, thankfully mum was able to stay alive long enough for warriors and dad to get to them but she was so weak because she had just had me but thankfully she and I got out alive after that dad lost all hope in the pack."
  I take another drink before I continue
  "Not in the people but the fact that the 2 people in the world that he was meant to protect nearly died because he was protecting others because rogues wanted something to do, so he packed us up and moved us to Bora Bora. when I was a baby dad taught mum how to fight the way he was brought up, he was taught to fight alone. Anyway they figured out mums full potential and it took years for them to figure it all out but when they did they started teaching me it before I could even talk, playing hide and seek with me and only using my powers to find them, as I grew everything got stronger and when I was 4 or 5 they taught me how to take someone down."
  I take a drag of my joint and look at them all, they look like kids listening to a parent telling them a story, I continue
  "After I perfected taking someone down with one touch, dad moved on to healing, he would break his finger a few times a day and have me heal it, he built my tolerance and eventually we would break his hand then his arm and then his leg and when I got that right they took me to a pack hospital in Bora Bora and they had me heal everyone in the hospital, they built my tolerance and made me stronger and faster. By the time I was 10 I was healing curable cancer with one touch and recognising incurable disease in a second. Mum would play a game with me and she would teach me how to read everyone as I touched them, make it a competition to see who got the most information from just bumping into them on the street, then dad taught me to fight and merge them so I knew who was coming and where from.
  he would send me to high school and every day he would have me read everyone's emotions, zero in on each person and figure out what they were going to do with each emotion, I spent hours everyday watching and feeling random peoples emotions, first I learned simple things like they were going to sharpen their pencil and needed the bathroom but soon it just clicked into place so it came easy. Dad taught me if I'm cornered to use it to my advantage. He and mum knew I would be going into the real world one day and probably come back to this pack and they felt like they needed to prepare me for it all. Everything they taught me they made it a game, they never pushed me to do it because I didn't need to be pushed because they made everything fun, even waking me up to dance in the rain, recognising how it feels for people when it rains, why it makes some people miserable and others happy. So that's my story, the girls loved training with dad too"
  "He made it so fun, he's the funniest person i've ever met and they never judged us either"
  Isla says happily, Jax purges his lips and studies me
  "So you can take someone down with just a touch"
  I smile
  "Stand up and everyone move"
  He does what I say and I walk past him brushing my fingers lightly against his, I think of him paralysed and he drops like a tree
  Isla calls making me snort and laugh as Jax lays on the ground wide eyed, I touch him and he goes back to normal taking a large breath of air
  "Damn I hardly felt you touch me"
  Scott grabs my waist and pulls me towards him setting me on his knee
  "I knew you were special"
  "I knew it to"
  Jax grumbles, Scott kicks him
  "Yeah not fast enough, i at least new she was amazing immediately"
  He growls
  "Well if I didn't piss her off enough for her to drive to a human town she would never have found you"
  Scott snorts and laughs as everyone watches them squabble like an old married couple.
  "Bullshit, you would have pissed her of eventually and she would have come looking for me"
  Jax punches Scott's leg and I growl standing up and looking down at the huge man baby before me
  "Jaxon Jasper Mcgregor you did not just punch our mate"
  Scott flips him the bird and I flick his ear.
  "Don't you start! Apologies to each other now!"
  I scold my giant man babies, they look at each and mutter sorry
  "Nope do it properly and forgive each other"
  "Sorry Jaxon"
  "Sorry Scott"
  I smile
  "Good now we are in someone else's home so stop bickering"
  I sigh, shaking my head and sitting on the chair. Isla, Ailm , Jake and deacon burst into a fit of laughter making me chuckle too, Jax gets up and pulls me onto his knee but Scott steals me back. I growl standing up and pointing to the door
  "What the hell is going on with you both, go sort your shit out and come back and act like the big scary men that you are"
  "See what you did"
  Scott Growls at Jaxon, he huffs
  "Me? You stole her off my knee"
  They both get up and walk out, what the fuck was wrong with them, I lay on the daybed and light a joint, the girls come and lay on either side of me
  "Boys they are the worst"
  Isla says to me lighting her own joint
  "Excuse me but we are still here"
  "Ssssh I'm not talking about you"
  She snaps back at Jake making us all giggle, damn this girl is hilarious.
  "What's wrong with them"
  Ailm asks I shrug
  "Don't know"
  "Can you not feel it?"
  I hadn't thought of that so I closed my eyes and I tried to pick up on their emotions, Jax's were obvious. He was jealous of me and Scott? He wants time alone with us both too?
  I think they want to hump each other?
  Is that weird? Should I be worried that they want to do stuff without me?
  I don't know, maybe they have been spending so much time on us that they need time for Them too. It feels like jaxon wants Scott and he's afraid Scott doesn't want him back
  I fell for the emotions and then it clicks in place, they are horny for each other, I link Jax
  Just tell him how you feel Jax, he loves you. If you want him have him, it's ok with me
  I don't know if he does. I don't think he wants me like that
  He does. I can feel it. Go for it baby I'm happy chilling with the girls and deacon and Jake, have some fun I'll be here when you get back
  I love you. be good and don't leave that house
  I love you too, and I won't I promise
  I cut the link and smile feeling a lot better
  "They are fine, they have gone to get rid of some frustration they will come back for me later"
  Both girls burst out into giggles as the boys groan standing up and going inside
  "Damn pussys too afraid to talk about it incase they like the idea and want to try it"
  Isla says out loud
  "Isla I swear I'm sewing your mouth shut"
  Jake shouts from inside and I burst into giggle with them both. Never a dull moment in this house and I love it.
  Jax's POV
  How the hell did I get here? One minute I was being a good neighbour, going for dinner and the next I'm mated to the most amazing woman iv ever came across and Ofcourse me being me I nearly fucked it up thinking of my dick instead of my head, but in a weird way im happy it happened the way it did because she did come back to me and she brought with her the fittest, funniest, filthiest man iv ever met and their was just something about him, I wanted to want to kill him, I wanted to want to end his life but no matter how much I wanted that I couldn't allow myself to do that, at the start I thought it was because I didn't want to hurt her by hurting her friend but as the day went on and I missed being in her presence I just couldn't stop thinking about him to, I wanted to see him again and then when she broke down and cried because she wanted us both, something inside me went hip hip hurray. And now I'm mated and fated to them both but one thing kept bothering me. I was fully mated to her but I wasn't fully mated to him and it was scary because the longer we waited the more obvious It became that he didn't want me like I wanted him, he wanted her and it was obvious and maybe I'm just being paranoid but damn I wanted him so bad it was starting to drive me crazy and it was also driving Lucy crazy to become she kicked us out of the house and now I need to tell him the truth.
  "Hop in"
  I say to him climbing in the driver's seat, he gets in and looks back at the door to the house
  "She knows where we are going and I trust them all to keep her safe until we come back"
  He sighs and relaxes a little pulling on his belt, I take of towards the border
  "Where are we going?"
  "Your place, you need more clothes"
  "Already ordered some they will be delivered in a few days"
  I chuckle and nod
  "Well either way we need to talk and I can't think of anywhere else"
  "About what?"
  I answer side eyeing him
  "Us as in you and me?"
  I say back popping the p
  "Ok let's talk, what's up?"
  Why does he make everything look so damn easy? Does he not feel it too? It's killing me but he takes everything as it comes and it's driving me insane.
  Spit it out
  I take a breath
  "Do you want me? Do you want me like you want Lucy? Are we ever going to complete our bond? I feel like a fucking teenager to afraid to tell someone I like them incase you reject me but I need the truth."
  His jaw hangs loose then he shakes his head and closes it.
  "Are you crazy? Yes I want you! Damn I wanted you even when I hated you for hurting her, yes I want to complete our bond but it's hard because I don't know if what we will do will put her off us, that's my only fear. I know that sounds stupid but I'm afraid she will see it and go off us"
  He says back, I take a breath of relief, thank the heavens. My body instantly calms down and I feel so much better
  "She was made for us and she's dirty as hell I'm betting she will love it, her minds dirtier than yours"
  He chuckles and nods his head
  "Yeah that's definitely true, maybe I'm being stupid but anytime iv had 3 ways before it was all about the girl so I'm a little confused as to where we come into it. But if you want to take the lead next time I'm good with that"
  "But you have been with men alone before?"
  He frowns and nods
  "Yeah, iv always been attracted to both but I had a gf for around 6 months when I was around 19 and I swear she was nothing but drama so anything after that was with dudes and girls were only random hookups"
  "I know they are so bitchy, the girls in the pack were only out for one thing, they wanted to be my Luna mated or not. We find our mates earlier then normal wolves but when I didn't find her or him, they swarmed to my like moths to a flame, after that I avoided pack girls and only had hookups with humans when I was away for work or when I had free time and choose to just take my frustrations out on the men, dale and I had an arrangement years ago that we hooked up when we could but that was all it was, we were friends but he met someone and was with him for around a year then he found his mate but in the year we had become friends and we never went near each other until Lucy rejected me, I was just so fucking annoyed at myself and heartbroken that I fucked it up so bad and he was their, when he found out what happened to her he felt so guilty, and I mean he really felt awful about it. Other than you and Lucy he's the only person I trust in that pack. Damn I trust jake and deacon more than I trust my own men so that's why I can't avoid having dale in our life, if things were different I would never expect Lucy to be around him but iv no other choice"
  He shrugs
  "She knows that man, she has forgiven you And she will like dale because you trust him, maybe we both need to have more faith in her, I need to trust that she won't be disgusted in us for doing it infront of her, and you need to trust that she respects your decision as alpha, she knows what your doing is what's best for us, best for the pack and best for other packs too"
  I pulled into the side of the road and took his hand, he was right and this didn't feel right doing it without Lucy.
  "She always needs to come first for both of us. We can handle it, we can fight it out but we need to make sure that she knows that she is the most important thing to us. Her father was right to lift them and whisk them off and if I thought the pack would be in good hand, if I knew they wouldn't turn back into complete savages then I would but I know they would go straight back to what they were and I can't have that on my conscious"
  "She will always come first, I love you just as much as I love her, but her safety, her happiness. All of it. She's our Lucy and we need to make sure she knows it. Just like deacon and Jake said, she is ours to spoil and love and if we don't do it nobody will. And you're right about the pack, you're the only thing keeping them in line so we have no other choice but to stay. But now you have us both to help too."
  I smile at him and lean over, he meets me in the middle crashing his lips against my own, I groan as the blood in our lips react to each other, he grabs my head with his hands as I fist the fabric of his shirt pulling him closer, the kiss is urgent and impatient just like him, I bite and pull on his bottom lip until he opens it, I invade his mouth with my tongue, they come together and my body comes to life as his tongue explores my mouth. But I pull away before it goes too far because we are in a convertible on the side of a busy road. We both gasp for much needed air and pull away from each other.
  "Shall we go get our girl and take her home? We can finish this when we get there?"
  I ask him, his face lights up in excitement at just the mention of her, I chuckle and shake my head
  "Your so whipped"
  I say laughing as I do a uturn and go back the way we came
  "Yeah sure and your not driving a $200.000 car that you bought for her 2 days into the relationship"
  I roll my eyes and smirk, I know he was right but I hate admitting it
  "I don't know why it pains me so much to agree"
  I say honestly, he makes the whipping sound and sits back laughing
  "Whatever dude, we both are and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way and damn how hot is she when she goes all Luna? Like who would have thought that innocent little girl could be such a commanding little vixen"
  I laugh
  "I know she's terrifying, I don't know if I should worship at her feet or lock her up because she scares me but either way she is hot as hell"
  I look at him while I say it he agrees
  "You know the girl she killed? Her brother was on patrol when we left, the boys said hello but he was giving her daggers"
  I growl and turn to him
  "What did he say?"
  "Nothing much just that she killed his sister etc but she told him straight that she had no choice and he said she was always too stubborn for her own good"
  I relaxed a little, I have been whipping that place into shape since the day I took over but it never got any easier talking to a pack member after killing a relation but I rule with fear because I have to. I'd rather them fear me and stay in line then them terrorise other packs and humans. I know people know about us now but before they did they brought so much attention to our door and our way of life, you can't live in secret if you're exposing yourself by being savages all the time. Something had to change so it did and we are better for it. I don't enjoy being alpha all that much, I don't enjoy killing people or controlling everyone and if I knew they wouldn't go back to the old ways I'd hand the pack over in a second, take my mates and move to a deserted island.
  "If he causes any problems when I'm not around, kill him."
  "Oh I will alpha"
  I smirk and shake my head at his tone
  "You and Lucy are big kids you do realise that"
  "Yes and so should you be, life's already too serious. We might as well have fun together, like in Vegas on fight night. My big retirement game"
  I frown and look at him
  "Why would you retire?"
  He smiles and shakes his head
  "Isn't it obvious? I've got everything I've ever wanted and more. I don't need to fight anymore, I already hit the jackpot"
  I feel my cheeks go red at the attention so I try to shake it off
  "You could always join the elite fight club, they do it at the bar close to our house, you could fight a 50 year old or a 18 year old woman and man. It's fun they have a bookie and everyone"
  He snorts and laughs
  "We should enter Lucy we would make a damn fortune"
  I laugh but if she wanted to she would clean up
  "Now come on, my people's ego has already been damaged enough after this morning, if it gets any worse they will all retire out of shame"
  He laughs his head off as we are stopped by border patrol
  "State your business and why you are here?"
  This doesn't usually happen
  "I'm here to lift our mate, the Luna's cousin Lucy?"
  His eyes glaze over and he frowns holding a gun up to me, I fall back with my hands up
  "There is no one here called Lucy, the Luna doesn't have a cousin"
  I look to Scott who looks pissed
  "I'm part of the pack you need to let me in"
  "I don't recognise you"
  Scott growls at him
  "Here what's going on? I want access to the packland that I'm a part of. Now please move or I'll call the alpha"
  "Call the alpha then"
  He shouts back just as I hear cackles coming from the tree line and the guard drops the gun as the 3 girls come from the direction of the house howling in laughter. The guards grins at them shaking his head
  "That is the last time I do that luna, the king nearly killed me the last time"
  He says shaking his head and he grins at me and Scott dumbfounded

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