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  "Fall into our arms limp after we make you cum. I like the feeling of you needing us your always so independent so I like it when you need us"
  I yawn again cuddling deeper into his arms
  "I like that you carry me when I need you to too"
  I close my eyes and soon his gentle movements and heartbeat mixed with his scent lulls me to sleep.
  "Little wolf you need to wake up or you won't sleep"
  Scott kisses my lips softly as I pout and open one eye, he chuckles running his nose down my cheek. I was exhausted from jet lag and too tired to do anything
  "What time is it?"
  "Almost dinner time"
  I yawned and stretched getting off the sofa, it was Monday so Dale and Greg would be coming for dinner so I had no other choice but to get up. So I get to work checking my pot roast and and making sure it's ready and falling apart, then I pull the biscuit mix from the fridge and stick it in the preheated oven and I get to work on the veg, creamy potatoes and honey roast root veg, I pull them out and peel them and throw they all into the boiling water then I decide to mix up some gooey brownies. I make the batter then let it sit and go back to the food tasting as I go to make sure it's seasoned to perfection. I use the sauce in the pot roast to make a rich gravy, I mash and cream the potatoes and finish the root veg with honey in the oven. I add some cream to the potatoes and make sure they are lump free and perfectly smooth, I pull out 5 plates as Scott sets the table. I add loads of potatoes and veg to each plate then the beef and finish it with gravy. I pull the fresh baked biscuits from the oven and add the brownie batter. Scott helps me bring the plates to the table and he calls the boys from the office grabbing water and juice on his way past. As they come out they each kiss my cheek and take a seat digging in and moaning.
  "Damn I missed you luc, never leave us again"
  I chuckle at dale as they all dig in and give me compliments. It's definitely my favourite part of cooking, all the compliments that they give me.
  "I agree the canteen food sucks"
  Greg says taking a bite I shake my head
  "You should learn how to cook it's not hard"
  "Don't tell him that he nearly set our house on fire making pancakes when you were gone"
  Greg scolds me making us all laugh. We eat with easy conversations and as I'm done I go to the oven and pull out the brownies and ice cream. I pull a huge Chuck of brownie out for each person and add 2 scoops of vanilla icecream and I smother it in chocolate and Caramel sauces. The boys are basically drooling when I serve it to them and they don't say a word as they devour each peace going for seconds.
  "You are a queen, I love you so much"
  Jaxon says pulling me from my chair and onto his knee I giggle wiping his lips off the sauce and I kiss him. He moans, kissing back then pulls away with a huge grin on his face.
  "I just can't believe how lucky I am"
  "Well believe it"
  I wink at him, they clean up as me and Greg go out to smoke my stomach was over full
  "So how do you find the pack?"
  I ask him, I didn't grow up in a pack but I can tell this place is different and I was genuinely interested in making this place better.
  "It's not much of a community, it's like people tolerate each other, instead of loving each other if they came up against a real attack I'm not sure they would be willing to die trying to save their neighbour"
  His honesty shocked me a little but I tried to not be offended by what he said. They were my pack and in my eyes my children and I could feel Lexi surge forward feeling protective over them all.
  "What do you think would help to change that?"
  He shrugs taking a drag
  "Not sure, team building? Pack Parties? Pack runs or just new personalities"
  I choke on my smoke, shocked and amused at his sarcastic tone of voice. But just as Scott walks out the door I feel a link open up
  We are under attack, hundreds of rogues passed the border on the way to town
  Someone screams I jump up and run into the house and up the stairs pulling my dress off and throwing on sweatpants and a T-shirt and a pair of sneakers, I'm in and out in less than a minute. The boys are waiting for me at the door and we run towards the fight, children scream in the distance and I nearly fall over when I feel a soul link break as a child loses its life. Lexi surges forward feeling protective of our pack and she growls pushing my legs to run faster and jump into the fight.
  I touch as many rogues as I can as they try to herd the woman and children into a corner. I make them feel paralysed and one by one they drop as Scott and greg come behind me killing each one. I growl as I watch a rogue kill one of the woman warriors, I get to him just as he breaks her neck and her soul is ripped from my chest. He grabs me but I think of him paralysed and in the worst pain of his life.
  We are outside the play park, kids are everywhere trying to get into the first house they come across. The place is crazy and crawling with hundreds of rogues. I see 5 men come at a little girl and corner her. She was no older than 13 so I ran to her and jumped between her and them. She's crying the fear seeping out of her pores as the first attacks coming straight for my jugular, I grab his arm pulling him over me and thinking of him paralysed and I dump him looking at the girl
  "Kill him, kill any I paralyse"
  She nods not saying a word as another comes at me, I grab his head and make him lose all power in his limbs and the 3 others watch me carefully and they all pounce at the same time. I think of them all on the ground unable to move. All but 2 fall and I grab the last one and tell him to kill the rest and help us kill the rest of the rogues. That gave me an idea and instead of killing them I turned them. They would still die but now we had extra help killing.
  I touched as many as possible and you could see the confusion from both pack and rogues as they turned on their own and soon they were all dead, when they were dead I kept one of the leaders alive and Scott and dale killed the rest so I looked to the leader
  "On your knees"
  I command knocking him on his feet, I stand holding his head as I look to Jax
  "Ask what you want and I'll tell you if he's lying"
  The pack started to crowd round but I wasn't going to hide who I was not anymore.
  "Who sent you?"
  The truth came up before he talked and lied
  "I did, I just want to start trouble"
  He answers I snort and shake my head
  "Lies, your old pack are behind this they were promised a place in the pack if they rounded up the girls and bright them back to mate them"
  Jax growls taking him by the throat
  "What do they plan to do next?"
  "Nothing they want mates and will continue to come until they are all mated"
  I answer, not wanting to listen to his lies.
  "Get his thoughts love then kill him"
  I run through each thought, memorising it and when I'm done I break his neck. I look around and there are loads of our people injured
  "Bring the injured to me and form a line"
  I touch the first, he has a broken arm so I take his pain and set it then I heal him. He looks at me shocked as I move onto the next person and the next and I continue with the worst injuries until my nose bleeds from exhaustion. I had just one more critical left to do so I discreetly wiped my nose and healed him enough to live, nearly passing out in the process. Scott lifts me into his arms as a crowd gathers around us.
  "What is she?"
  One lanky man at the front calls out.
  "My wife has special gifts"
  He answers them but I could feel the burning hate for my kind and he wasn't joking they hate what I am. I decide to bite the bullet and step forward
  "I understand your all confused, I didn't tell you because I feared your reaction and by the feel of it, it ain't going to be good"
  "What are you? We need to hear it out loud"
  A girl steps forward growling, I try my best not to roll my eyes at her as I answer
  "For a start my kind and yours have had a difficult relationship and I was frightened you would all hate me, my kind have been dormant for a long time now, and for some reason the fates decided to put us together. So the answer is I'm primordial"
  Gasps ring through the streets and for a moment you could hear a pin drop.
  "I'm sorry your what?"
  A man I don't recognise as a team warrior shouts, I nod my head
  "I know but please stay calm. I'm not here to hurt anyone, I came here to heal and save those who need it."
  "No fucking way, you can take your healing and shove it up your ass. Come on we are leaving"
  Jax growls stopping them in their tracks
  "If you leave, don't come back. leave through the front gate and I will declare you as rogues. You can choose to stay but my Luna is going nowhere.she is to be accepted as she is, or you all leave. She fucking saved us all today not just the injured, if she didn't do what she did to those rogues you and all the kids would be dead! If you're leaving You have 1 hour to pack and leave my pack lands, making sure to take the important stuff when you're leaving. You are dismissed to figure out your shit."
  Gasps surround us as Jax takes my hand and leads me back towards the packhouse leaving the pack completely gobsmacked, Scott follows us at my other side taking my arm protectively and we walk quickly trying to keep up with Jax.
  "We would have lost if it wasn't for you. We need to make some serious changes around here they can leave we don't need them"
  He rants as he opens the door and steps out of the way for us to enter.
  We follow him in but he's fuming, fists clenched at his side adrenaline still pumping through his veins making his body tremble, he looks like a bomb about to explode. I needed to calm him down so I took a breath and stood in the path where he was pacing and I threw my arms around his waist. He froze for a second then gave in and hugged me back, he relaxed slightly lifting me bridle style and sitting on a chair, he cradled me close to his body sniffing in my scent, he looked to Scott putting his hands out to him he came to his side and he pulled him close resting his head on his chest. Our scents and touch soon start to soothe him as his body goes slack and now Scott was the one holding us. I felt so guilty, so guilty that they would walk away and so guilty that he had no other choice but to tell them to leave. I pulled his face up to look at me
  "You can take it back, you don't need to give up your pack for me, I'll just stay out of your way you don't need to say goodbye to them"
  His face fell and he looked horrified, he grabbed my face staring at me like I was losing my mind.
  "You think that's why I'm upset? You actually think I care more about them than I do about you. You saved OUR pack Lucy! OUR PACK! I'm pissed because you saved their lives then you healed them and instead of saying thank you they try to shun you! No, I'm pissed because I don't want to cast them out, I want to kill them. All of this, this pack means nothing without you and Scott, your my mates and their leaders so no you will not stay away from me if they don't like it they leave or die you both come first, no we come first and that's the last I'll ever hear you say otherwise! Do you believe me? Both of you, do you believe me?"
  I sag back in relief and smile at him, Scott smiled rolling his eyes with a cheeky smirk on his face
  "Never doubted it, you couldn't live without this sexy piece of meat even if you tried"
  I chuckle shaking my head
  "Yeah right with a fat head like yours I'm sure I wouldn't miss you all that much"
  I reply with a grin, Jax laughs as Scott grabs his heart dramatically
  "You wound me baby"
  He drops to his knees pouting sadly. I roll my eyes and pull him in for a kiss
  "You know I didn't mean it, you're both my everything. Plus I like having 2 strapping man babies to carry me around, make me cum and I get loads of compliments when I cook for you. I like being the only girl, I don't think I would like sharing with a girl"
  The thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I screw up my face and shudder at the thought
  "Yeah you couldn't handle it"
  Jax says with a smirk
  "Definitely not your way to spoiled"
  Scott adds, my jaw goes slack and I punch his shoulder
  "I am not spoiled! If anyone is spoiled it's you both, damn man babies wake me up to cook you pancakes. You'd both die with fatty hearts if I didn't make you eat your greens"
  They both laugh at me as I cross my arms over my chest huffing
  "Oh you're definitely spoiled but you spoil us too, I think we all might be a little spoiled"
  Jaxon says kissing my cheek and rubbing his beard all over my face making me giggle.
  "It's not a bad thing to be spoiled baby, I love spoiling you it means we are doing our job right"
  He kisses my other cheek. I grin and hug both of their heads
  Alpha-Luna people have arrived at the gate they need to be declared as rogue
  The mood instantly plummeted, I sighed
  We will be over now thank you Troy
  No Luna thank you, you saved my wife, she was going to die and you saved her so thank you. The rest of the pack can go fuck themselves, I don't care what you are, your one of us and you had our back and now I'll always have yours
  Thank you Troy and I'm glad I was able to save her
  I cut the link and Jax grins kissing my cheek
  "See this is a good thing now they know just how amazing you are"
  I stand up and pull him to his feet
  "Well Of Course I know I'm amazing, anyone that doesn't see that is obviously stupid"
  They both say at the same time as we leave the house, I jump into the back of the car as Scott jumps in the front, we drive towards the border where there is a huge line of cars, Jax passes them all out pulling up beside the gate
  "So stupid, where the hell will they go?"
  "I don't know but they made their bed now they can lay in it"
  Jax says unemotionally, I swallow the lump in my throat and I climb out of the car and follow him, he holds his hand out waiting for me. The looks I was getting were terrible, like I was trash or like I had killed someone not saved there damn life we made it to the top of the line where the man that basically shun me was sitting in his car with his wife and child, Jax stiffens and pulls me away whispering in my ear.
  "I want you to touch him and make sure he doesn't come back to attack"
  I nod not saying anything atol and I hold my head higher and I tell him to roll the window down, he does it with a look of distaste on his face, I touch his shoulder and make sure he doesn't go running his mouth about me or trying to rally enough troops to come back and attack. While I do this i give him and his wife a look then I look back at their baby and the woman does not look like she wants to go anywhere, he shrugs my arm of with a growl
  "I wish you would reconsider, where will you go?"
  The woman goes to talk but the man spits at me, Jax and scott move so fast I didn't even see it happen, they rip the car open and drag him out holding him on his knees the woman looks like she's ready to jump out but I shake my head at her she has a baby and should not get involved. She sighs and passes me wipes as the boys give him an ass whooping that he won't ever forget
  "I'm sorry Luna, if it were up to me I would not be going anywhere"
  I smile, taking the wipes and cleaning my face shivering at how gross that was. I turn as Scott holds him on the ground, his hands in his hair as Jax paces in front of him. I can see he's struggling with control, his wolf right at the surface, begging him to let him loose. He kneel in front of him and looks at me pointing in my direction
  "You just spat at my Luna, do you think you should live after that?"
  "She's not my Luna, never will be and you disgust me! How could you be with her after what her kind did to ours"
  Jax laugh loudly throwing his head back

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