Chapter 4 - A night to remember

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Blake Manor, Crystal Cove, January 6, 2023 – 6:00 pm

For almost an hour, Daphne read new True Crime Forum posts about the moon pendant mystery. They said the case had gone viral in Australian media, and Elandra Mahon had contacted San Francisco police to request a DNA test on Jane Doe. Furthermore, users had found 88 year-old Joel Marlow, and vandals had broken his house's windows and sprayed his walls with graffiti. To make matters worse, the old house where the body was found was invaded several times, and police had to isolate it. After so many new (and scary) facts, Daphne felt that cherryred had to intervene. She had started it, so it was her duty to contain those actions before worse consequences happened. The moment Daphne finished posting the first message at the forum, she heard someone knocking on her door. She was deleting all online history when the door opened, so she quickly closed the MacBook.

Nan: Are you ready, sweetie? We're leaving in 30 minutes...

Daphne: What? Excuse me, what do you mean by "I'm ready"? Ready for what?

Nan: For the dinner, sweetie!

Daphne: Dinner? What? But... no one told me!

From downstairs, Bart shouted, "I told her we had a dinner tonight!", and Nan impatiently repeated her husband's words, looking at her daughter with disdain.

Daphne: Oh! But... I thought you and dad had a dinner! Well... I wasn't expecting that, so I couldn't chose my makeup and my look, so... sorry! You'll have to go without me... But don't worry! I'll be fine!

Nan: Daphne Ann Blake, we're leaving in 30 minutes!

After taking out all her bad mood on her daughter, Nan slammed the door, and Daphne sighed with anger. Before she could start dressing up, Bart opened the door and tried to fix the things.

Daphne: Oh, daddy, for God's sake, I'm 21! I can stay here alone, there are security guards everywhere!

Bart: You know the social etiquette, honey... they've invited Blake family, so all Blake family will be there.

Daphne: So, why aren't Delilah, Dawn and Dorothy here?

Daphne's angry question was answered with a disdain look and a mocking smile from Bart, which clearly said "don't be ridiculous, darling." Soon after, Bart left, and Daphne had to deal with the frustration of not being able to finish her work at True Crime Forum, and the anger of having to go to a dinner with improvised look and homemade makeup. She was about to leave her room when Daisy knocked on her door.

Daphne: I deserve, at least, to know where you're taking me, don't you think?

Daisy: Don't worry, your Majesty, it's only a birthday dinner for the son of my professors, Dr. Brad Chiles and Dr. Judy Reeves...

Daphne: Great! Besides wasting my friday night, I'll have to put up with little monsters running around and screaming? How can I explain it to my fans?

Daisy: Don't worry, Miss. Celebrity, their son is a big boy... and he looks more like a Greek god than like a monster...

Daphne: Oh, too bad! Guess what? I'm not interested!

Daisy: Oh, no, he's already taken... but, you know, he's worth admiring...

Daphne: You know what is worth making? Instagram posts! And I can't do it, because I have to go to a big boy's stupid party... so, thanks for the free publicity, but I already hate him!

Daisy laughed and rolled her eyes at her younger sister's childish comment, then she pulled her by the hand towards the door.

Darrow University Campus, Crystal Cove

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