Chapter 6 - Dark Entries

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Darrow Hospital, Crystal Cove, January 7, 2023.

08:30 pm

Fred shouted Daphne's name when he saw her unconscious body fall. Then, he picked her up in his arms and rushed to the emergency room, fearing for her life. Daphne was bleeding so much that she scared everyone around. So, nurses, security guards and medical students provided a bed in the emergency room, Fred laid her there and the nurses did their job. Unbelievably, Fred didn't know what to do. Instead of acting, the horrible image of Daphne slowly losing her life paralyzed him, and fear only allowed him to check the weak, almost imperceptible pulse in her cold arm. But he wasn't the only one who didn't act: none of his internship colleagues were able to understand what was wrong with her. Luckily, the chaos caused by Daphne's arrival caught the attention of more experienced doctors, including Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves, and they rushed towards the nurses to help them save Daphne.

Immediately, the group of students left the room and let older doctors do their job. Only Fred remained there, in panic, looking at the vital signs monitor. During the next minutes, the doctors shouted phrases that, Fred knew, meant very bad things... Until the continuous noise coming from the monitor showed that Daphne's life was over. Fred reacted with an indignant scream and held her hands tightly. At the same moment, Judy abruptly pushed her son, so that other doctors could perform resuscitation maneuvers. In shock, Fred watched two or three attempts, holding the girl's belongings tensely. Aware that Daphne wouldn't come back, Judy took her son out of the room and closed the door, to prevent him from witnessing what would come. Outside, Fred heard his father say, "Time of death, 8:38," indicating there was nothing left to do for her.

For the first time, Fred saw someone die. To make matters worse, it wasn't "just someone": It was Daphne Blake . Young, sweet and beautiful Daphne Blake. The mixed feelings that Fred harbored during the short periods he saw her made that tragedy way more painful, and he felt part of him die when he realized such feelings would no longer exist. Fred noticed the questioning looks of other students on him. However, sadness kept him distant, oblivious to everything, except to the image of that beautiful girl. Suddenly, Judy opened the door and Fred was taken out of his trance. Immediately, she hugged her son with tears in her eyes, and said something about "notifying Daphne's parents". Fred agreed, yet he couldn't believe that was really happening. A short time later, Brad left the room. He wasn't crying like his wife, he just seemed scared and furious at what he had witnessed. Then, he took Fred by the arm and led him through the hall.

Brad: Shut the fuck up until we arrive at my office!

The threatening tone prevented Fred from saying anything. Anyway, he didn't know what to say, the image of Daphne dead left him completely speechless. When Brad arrived in his office, he led his son inside and threatened him before closing the door.

Brad: I'll call a lawyer and I'll be back in a minute. And when I return, you'd better tell me every detail about the kind of shit you've done to that girl, Frederick, or I'll make you bleed in the same way she bled!

After Brad closed the door, Fred remembered his mother's request: "tell Daphne's parents". So, he decided to search for her cell phone inside her purse. When Fred opened it, he saw the dirty fabric and the book "Kabbalistic Numerology" by Frank Melker. Then, he finally understood the meaning of everything that had happened minutes ago.

Darrow Hospital, Crystal Cove, January 7, 2023.

08:42 pm

The feeling of suffocation slowly faded away, until Daphne felt her entire body fall asleep, immersed in endless tranquility. The air around her seemed very cold and echoed continuous chilling sounds, similar to an unknown machine in operation. Suddenly, the mysterious sounds gave way to a continuous, high-pitched hiss that soon became an out-of-tune radio sound with static. The noise was so loud that bothered her and made her hands cover her ears. When she opened her eyes, she realized she was not at Darrow Hospital. She was in a very old, windowless room, on a dirty bed with a musty smell. In panic, Daphne quickly got up and looked for her purse and her coat, but there was nothing around, except some very old furniture. The walls had large old photos of landscapes, and they were covered with fabric, with red and black arabesques printed on it. With tears in her eyes, she ran to the wooden door and desperately turned the handle, but the door was locked. At that moment, she understood she had been kidnapped.

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