Day in the life

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Eating disorder ( I do not know much about it so if I get it wrong please correct me also I don't know if there is a disorder for this I'm kinda making it up as I go)
This chapter will contain nappy usage
It will also contain spanking
If you are not comfortable with this do not read.

No ones pov

It's currently 8 am on a Saturday morning. Non of the boys have to go anywhere and don't have plans as they were planning on a nice restful day. Alex being the first to wake up as always starts to make breakfast as the others slowly join him in the kitchen. All the boys are getting ready to eat except for Lucas which is normal as Alex usually gets him up.

Alex makes his way up stairs and into Lucas's room. He walks up to Lucas's bed and starts to rub his back to wake him up. " come on it's time to get the day started" Alex said in the softest time that he could mutter. "Mmmhh five more minutes please" Lucas mumbles sleep laced in his tone. Alex being used to this picks Lucas up the way you would do for a toddler and put him on his hip. Lucas who was also used to this just let him not caring. He sleepily put his head on his shoulder. " Lou you're such a sleepily boy today aren't you?" Alex asked or more like told.

Alex knowing that they aren't doing anything today let Lucas stay in his pajamas. The two made their way downstairs Lucas on his hip the whole way down.

" good morning Lou bear" nick says in a sing song tone.

Everyone else says their greets and start eating. After breakfast all the boys are off to enjoy their weekend. Lou and Jackson head over to the living room since they had decided on watching a movie. " what movie do you want to watch?" Jackson asked.

Lucas's pov
" hmmm I want to watch. . . FINDING NEMO!" I shouted. What else would I watch? finding Nemo was obviously the best movie . " inside voices honey." Jackson told me.,I didn't like that he was mad as I have always been a sensitive person, my mood incredibly decreased as I  thought that Jackson was mad at me. Tears coming to my eyes threatening to fall. " hey hey what's wrong I'm not mad." Jackson said clearly not understanding why I was upset "why don't we get this movie started!" He said trying to brighten  my miod in which it did. When the movie finished Jackson was in his phone texting someone. I whined wanting attention. I looked over to his phone to see who he was texting. Phones have always mesmerized me as I have never had one. All the others did but I was told that I was to young and that I didn't need one. I read the name at the top. It was his friend.

" hey why don't you hang out with nick? I have to get ready me and my friend are going out." Jackson told me. I was kinda sad I just wanted to hang out with him but it's alright. " ok." I said sadness laced in my tone. Jackson didn't seem to realize though as he led me up to nicks room.

Nicks pov

I hear two pairs of footstep in the hall way. They get louder and louder until they seemed to stop in front of my white door. My room wasn't the most fun. It was mostly gray and white. There were a couple of toys and stuffed animals in the corner that Lou Lou had left in here. The door opening kicks me out of my thoughts though. Lucas runs up on my bed and into my arms. I barely catch him and at a much slower pace Jackson walks up to the door leaning on the frame. " I'm going to hang out with a friend can you watch him for a bit?" Jackson asks. As I go to respond Lucas beets me to it and says, "Hey I can look after my self I don't need a babysitter!" He puffed out his chest. " ok I believe you" I said while nodding my head to Jackson.

I had planned to just give Lucas his dirty sticky iPad. Yeah he was an iPad kid but I guess that's our fault for not getting him a phone. I gave him his iPad that due to Alex's very strict restrictions loubear only had a few toddler games. All he had was YouTube kids, a Bluey game, a learning game and a couple other games. Lucas had not started going to school till he was 15 when Alex enrolled him. Though he soon decided to just homeschool him as it was too much of a hassle for normal school.

Lucas waved his hand in front of me bring my attention back to him I hadn't realized that it had been 30 minutes since I gave him his iPad and he was bored.

Lucas's pov
"Nick, Nicky, nick nick!" I yelled trying to get nick's attention I was bored. He finally looked up at me. " Lou Lou Lou!" He said clearly using my tone. " mmmmhhh I'm bored.

Nicks pov

It was around lunch time so I decided that we should get some lunch. Knowing that Lou would deny any food due to his disorder. " you ready for lunch honey?" I asked but he would not have a choice. You see I wasn't being mean but Lou has an eating disorder were he doesn't really feel hungry or the need to eat. " no im not hungry yet" Lou says. " well I am so let's get some food." I want really hungry since I have had a couple of snacks since breakfast but he needed to eat and I didn't want him to throw a fit over it.

We both go down stairs and prepare a sandwich. I only made one and cut it in half because I knew that he would not be able to eat a whole and I was not that hungry so I would just eat the other half. I get myself a glass of water and luke(Lucas) a sippy cup of apple juice. Yogg ugh see we have had some accidents with Luke and normal cups so about a year ago we switch him to sippy cups.

After lunch I get Luke prepared for his after noon nap. We know that he is 27 years old but he will still get cranky with out it.

" do you need to go potty?" I ask Luke. He has had bed wetting issues since for naps we put him in nappies and for nights we put him in diapers. Though he doesn't really like them it's just easier for everyone. "No I am not a baby I don't need a nappy! I'm 17 for g*ds sake!( I will not put full cuss words in my story due to my religion)" Luke's practically yells. " we go through this everyday Luke you have to wear them you have accidents and you know it." I say as I start to get a nappy and baby power out of his closet. " NO YOU CANT MAOE ME IM 17 I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" Luke screamed. This is a daily occurrence and the only way t on get him in them is to yell louder which is what I do. "WHO DO YOU THINK TOU ARE TALKING TO! GO STABD IN THE CORNER YOU WILL BE GETTING SWATS FOR THIS!"

No ones pov

Luke goes and stands in the corner for five minutes while there all he can think about is how unfair this is and how he is 17 years old and shouldn't have to be treated like a child. " come on out Luke" nick says still clearly annoyed.
"D ok you have something to say for yourself?"
"I-I'm sorry" Luke muttered " good job" nick says while pulling Luke to him. Luke knowing what's about to happen stayed still knowing it would just make it worse. Nick grabbed Luke's shoulder and pulled him over his knees. First were the warm up swats. With out warning the first one landing going up to five warm up ones.


Luke had tears coming tii oh his eyes and it only made it worse that those were only the warm up ones "go get my belt" nick said scaring Luke to the bone. Luke slowly made his way over to get the belt stalling but not for to long. Soon he was back to were he was over nicks knee. After a good 20 smacks he finally laid me in my bed and started to change. Once done I laid down the last thing I remember was hearing him softly say "have a good nap baby"

No one's pov

Like had slept a very long time. By the time he got up it was already 5. Alex knowing that Luke's bedtime is 8 30 was worried that he wouldn't want to sleep. The boys had a pretty normal dinner and decided to have a movie night. Well they planned two movie nights. One that Luke and nick and then another. During the first one they would watch a non scary family type movie. Then they would put Luke to bed and nick would probably just play on his phone up stairs since both of them don't like horror movies.

The first movie went pretty good and about half way through Luke fell asleep on Denton's shoulder. When the movie ended Denton took Luke up stairs to continue sleeping and nick went up stairs to take a shower and get rest for bed since he was getting tired despite the early timing. The boys watch the horror movie and one by one headed up stairs for bed.

Third story!
1665 words!

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