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Lucas's pov

Lucid dreaming. Weird thing right? So weird knowing you are in a dream and controlling it. Yet why can't I get myself out of it? And when. I think of something to control it the opposite always happens. Like if I dream about being in heaven and being so happy, suddenly I would be in h*ll with my mother and father showing no mercy.

Running. Run run run. I think forgetting that I'm lucid dreaming and that the opposite would happen. As my feet start to slow down and my parents get closer I can feel my hands start to shake. "Stop stop stop why can't I be normal and dream normally?!" I practically yell. My parents get really close. Suddenly as they are about to reach me. . .

I sit up. Looking around my room. I reach up to my face feeling tears. They delicately glide down my face as I can taste the saltiness in of them. The only source of light was  my night light. 'Well at least I'm out of the dream now' I think. Though I have the night light in still afraid of the dark and didn't want to go out from under the covers. Luckily I didn't have to Ila's I see Jackson almost break my door by how fast he came in.

Jackson's pov

I was the last of the boys moving. I had only moved in about two months ago. The boys moving in ranged from  a year to two months ago. This f course Lucas moved in early as that didnt count him. Though I moved in later then everyone else I still babied Lou just as much. His room is right across the hall from mine so I could hear when he woke up and started crying. At first I didn't move  other being here for to long I forgot that I wasn't at my old home were I was home alone and I would never wake up to crying.

I snap out of my trace when I heard him start to sob louder. Knowing that the others are very deep sleepers I get up in only a pair of basketball shorts, and quite literally ran out out of the room to his.

" hey hey calm down what's up are you hurt? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked as softly as I could.  " night... hhhh mere" he managed to get out his voice breaking off at the end. I have help a little with them and I knew that he wouldn't want or talk it out. It was fine though I pretty sure I know what it is about. His dumba*s parents. I don't know how they could hurt such a sweet loving boy. This means they were so bad that they didn't even name him Lucas. We never really mention it in the house especially to him and we definitely aren't aloud to call him it. But they named him syn. You want to know the reason? It's because it sounds like sin, because they view him as a sin. I know heart breaking.  When he joined the team( without his parents knowing of course) he stated many times that he hated the name so we started to call him Lucas.

Anyways back to the story. I hold Lou in my arms as he sobs into my chest. Since I was shirtless he was getting me wet( stop you dirty minded people this is supposed to be wholesome). After a couple of minutes his sobs turn into small cries then just into sniffles .i picked him up putting him on my hip. He was half asleep but i knew that he would let himself sleep scared that he would get another night mere. " let's get you some warm milk@ i said softly not expecting a reply.

We head down to the kitchen and I fill his sippy cup with milk putting a dash of vanilla and sugar to make it sweeter. I put it in the microwave to heat it up so that it's just a little warm. Hearing the beeping I take it out and put it upside down over my wrist and shake a little to make sure it's the right temp. Seeing as it's not to hot and not to warm I hand him the cup and he lazily sucks on it.

I bring him up stairs stopping I. Front of his room for a minute. Debating on having him sleep in there or with me in my room. A whine snaps me out of my tracks "no room" Lou whines. 'Guess that answers my question' I head over to my room stopping by the bathroom real quick to change his diaper.

I put Lucas on the changing table. As it has not been used in a hot minute it's was cold. I placed Lou on it only for him to whine and arch his back to avoid the coldness. " I know I know I'll try to be quick" I say while I softly push on his tummy so he will go back down. The change was rather quick as I just wanted to go back to sleep. We get through the change with only a few small whines and me shushing them.

We go back to my room and I sit Lou and myself don the bed putting Lou on my chest. As soon I I did he curled up to me. I reached over to the stuffed animal that he had left here a couple days ago and put it in his hands and he quickly takes it . The sippy cup that I had forgot he had fell out of his hands. I take it and put it on my bedside table looking  at the time real quick. 'Man it's already 4 in the morning'

"Good night bunny( Lou)"

" ni ni"

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I am still taking requests if you guys have any feel free to ask for them, no matter how dumb you think it is I will most likely do it!

1019 words!

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