Wind down days

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Basically once every month or so on Lucas gets a day were he feels like nothing. Not like he's  worth nothing but he just doesn't feel anything. Like in space the whole day and can't comprehend what's happening. During these days he's becomes non-vocal basically were he doesn't talk. He doesn't really show any emotion. He has to be reminded to eat because he literally can't Evan feel the need of hunger. And during these days there's things that can send him into panic attacks like crowds loud noises touching him with out telling him . That's basically it. And the boys just call these days wind down days since they basically just wind down the whole day.


No one's pov

Lou woke up and immediately knew that it was going to be one of those days. He felt it and he felt like he couldn't talk and did t want to get out of bed. Though he had to. His thoughts were cut off by ihos door opening. Alex walking in. " good morning bub you ready for the day?" Seeing that he didn't respond Alex went on thinking that he was just tired. " tired, huh?" Alex stated not really asking or expecting an answer. Alex kkk no owing that they had nothing to do that day decided to let his stay in pajamas.

Alex picked Lou up and rested him on his hip as he made his way downstairs.

Jackson's pov

I could see it as soon as Alex walked in carrying Lucas. J in have always been the first one to spot Lukas Javon vibe of his days. I wasn't going to tell anybody though. They would feel fire or out sooner or later and I bet that Alex alredbb to knew since he was the one that woke him up. And the others will find out soon.

Lucas's pov

It felt like I was in water. All the voices of the guys felt like static to my ears as if I was underwater. I felt numb and out of it. Not sad or mad not happy or glad, just there. And I felt like I couldn't talk so o didn't. My thoughts get cut of by a plate of pancakes were places In front of me. I just stared at them as the others ate. At some point I guess Alex spotted that I wasn't eating and started to feed me food.

In between bits he would take a quick bite of his food.

No ones pov
"Lu,Lou,Lucas" Nolan was waving his Hand in front of Lucas. Lucas snapping out of his thoughts looked up to Nolan then Alex. "Oh it's one of those days huh?" Alex said not really as a question. He looked at Lucas and said that he was going to pick him up. He knew that Lucas probably didn't really understand what he said but for the jist of it. If could end really bad if he had just picked Lou up with asking.

Alex took Lucas over to the couch in the living room and set him down. He put on a random kids show for him a blanket and pillow and called Nolan over. " can you watch him for like 30 minutes please I have to go talk to Jackson." Alex asked he felt tears prick his eyes. " yeah sure man" Nolan responded not looking up from his phone. Usually if he hadn't looked up form his phone and basically ignored Alex the. Alex would have bent him over his knee and spanked him. Yes he spanks all the boys just Lucas gets in the most trouble so he usually gets the most spanks.

Anyways Alex made his way over to Jackson's room. All the boys are really close but Alex and Lou were the closest and then Alex and Jackson were the closest. So whenever Alex needed to talk about something that is maybe a little to adult for Lucas to hear he would go to Jackson(not dirty minded Yall) when Alex made it to his door he knocked a couple times still giving the other some privacy. " come in!" He could hear Jackson on the other side.

He turned the knob and walked into the room. The tears finally started to fall as he basically fell into Jackson's arms. "Hey hey hey what's up what's wrong are you hurt?" He rushed out.

Jackson's pov
I was sitting in my room not really doing anything but scrolling through TikTok. Suddenly I hear a knock at my door. Not feeling like gettting up I just yelled for who ever it was to just come on.

The last person I expected to come in was elec and here he is crying in my arms. I sit is both on my bed. Knowing that Alex was the type to cry it out and then speak I let him cry into my shoulder. Once I only heard a few sniffles I started to ask what was wrong. "Whats wrong hm?"

"It's just that I know that Lucas is so sensitive when he has these type of days, a-and I didn't even realize that he was having one of these days. Everyone knew before me I feel so bad because what if he thinks that I hate him or something. He probably hates me and I don't blame him." Alex said in all truthfulness.

"One if can be hard to realize if he's having a day like this. Two he doesn't think that you hate him and he doesn't hate you. It's ok"

Alex who was now pretty much not crying sniffling or having any indication of sadness got up ready to leave and go to his room to just lay down as it's already been a long day and it's only just now started.

"Thank you I'm going to just go oh in my room for a little"

"You can stay here it's fine plus I think that a certain someone doesn't want to be alone right now." Jackson said basically reading apex like a book since he really didn't want to be alone.

Time skip 10 am Lucas's pov

Thoughts. Weird huh? You know how you alcan get lost in them for a few minutes? That's how these days are, but it's for a whole day. Good ones bad ones but if I'm being honest a lot of the time it's just me not thinking of anything. Or just thinking about the meaning of life. Before I moved in I used to have thoughts of k*lling myself. They have slowed down now that I'm here and with people that love me unlike my parents.

Suddenly it's 11. 'How did time go by so fast?' I thought to myself.

"You ready for you nap little man?" Nolan not expecting a response just went over to log and picked me  up. "Come on I'm actually kind of tired to I might take a nap with you." Nolan told me. I kind of felt bad for not replying but it felt like I couldn't. Like if I did I would start to cry. Though nothings wrong in lot hurt I'm not thinking of anything scary or bad. It just feels like a weight on   my chest. Like a ballon, the second I talk it pops and the tears with start to flow.
I hadn't even noticed we were in my room. I had only realized it when I was being laid down on the floor to change into my diaper. Yes it was humiliating but I had to wear it and Nolan had changed me many times.

Time skip ( sorry for them all!) 2 hours later

BANG! I shot up being disrupted from my peaceful nap.

End of chapter.

Yall this took longer than I needed to take. Like this could have taken a few days but I took like a little more then a week because of how much I procrastinated. Also yohh uh guys I like need ideas. Even if you think they are dumb. Half the reason why it took so long is because I didn't know what to do lol. Anyways thank you for all those reads!!

1374 words

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