~Part 13~

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Sorry for late update all my readers. Becuz my wifi was down about a week. I hope you all can understand <3

          ~The wedding day~

"People are saying about the issue that Mon used Sam for money"

          Tee talked to Kate and Jim while Sam and Mon were greeting to guests.

"Yeah, I heard it"

          Sam suddenly heard that and went to them, Mon was still greeting to guests.

"Are you sure? Who are spreading these rumors?"

"Some of the guests. But don't mind it. Just focus on your wedding"


"It's time for speech"

          Sam whispered herself. Then went on the stage while holding Mon's hand.

"Excuse me, I am going to speech. Please pay attention"

          Then she looked at to her princess.

"The woman beside me is my wife, love of my life and my other half. I never know that she will be my comfort zone. As I said in last time, 'I want to thank you for coming into my life and changing my world of gray and turning it into beautiful pink. And my world will become more and more beautiful, just by having you next to me, from now until forever.' I was waiting for you so long. I haven't imagined the life without you Mon. Thanks for coming back to my life"

          At the end of the speech, she kissed Mon's lip softy and gently.


          ~After wedding~


          Sam shut Kirk's mouth by using dumpling.

"Oh wait, Mon. He said that you will never come back and I need to move on from you"


         Mon asked him. Krik was uncomfortable with this couple. Krik's mind- I have to leave them. Mon is now like Sam, she is scary. Now I believe that when couple stay together for long time, their actions and behaviors are the same. Same brain cells.

          He sighed and went out of the house. When he left, Sam looked at to Mon. She smiled like the idiot. Mon knew what she was thinking. She pointed to Sam's face,

"I know what you are going to do"

          Before Sam was going to lean for a kiss. Tee and Yuki knocked the door.

"Arrr M!~#$%F^*#!~"

          Sam couldn't keep her angry issue now. Mon clamed down her by holding hand.

"Oops sorry Sam. Are you going to do something??"

"Why you are so annoying Tee??"

"Because I am your friend. I come here to give you this"

          Sam saw 'Heavenly water' in Tee's hand.

"I am not going to say sorry for cursing you"

          She took 'Heavenly water' quickly from Tee. Mon said to Yuki,

"Thanks for telling Khun Sam. Thanks for everything Yuki"

"It's okay, Khun Sam also has to know the truth"

"Oh, stop saying about the past. Stay in present"

          Sam stopped their conversation.

"So, I will go back so you can drink 'Heavenly water' peacefully"

          Tee and Yuki returned back to their house.

"When will they marry??"

          Mon asked Sam but she was just focusing on 'Heavenly water'.

"Khun Sam!"

          Mon was not going to lie, that night was really heaven for her.


*Next Part will be the last Part* 
*I am not sure that i will write some extra special parts*

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