Meeting Nate Hollan

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There's a pit in my stomach as I sit on the plane waiting. I look out the small aircraft window but don't really focus on anything. I'm lost in my own head. I'm beyond the point of turning back now, and I haven't a clue what awaits when I walk down that terminal into the airport.

Most of the passengers have already grabbed their belongings from their overhead bins and headed off the plane . I can't let my anxiety get the best of me. I can't stall any longer.

I should be excited about this experience, right? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I'm not getting any younger. But, being all alone, unsure of what I'm getting myself into, this is all out of my comfort zone and completely not my personality.

Finally, I push my thoughts out of the way. I take a deep breath to help calm my nerves, pull my backpack out from under the seat in front of me, and get off the plane.

Keeping my head down, I follow everyone down the terminal. The minute I step on to the airport carpet, I'm already blinded. Flashes of white all around me, forcing me to look away and try to focus on who I should go to. They are all calling my name. All asking me questions, but I can't see anything and  start to feel disoriented. I freeze at the airport gate, stunned by all that's happening around me. I am anything but used to this.

Something heavy is pushing on the small of my back to guide me as I put my hand up over my eyes and squint.

"This way, Miss Moretti. " The security guard quickly walks me past all the reporters. My vision starts to return, but I don't look up. I keep my eyes on the ground in front of me and let the man lead the way.

"A car is waiting for you." A middle-aged tall bald man in a suit carrying a clipboard and folders joins us in the race to get away from the media. He walks fast without ever looking at me.

"Don't I need to go to baggage claim first?" I haven't traveled much and never by myself, but I'm pretty sure we are missing a step here.

"It's already taken care of. " The bald man chuckles like this is something I should know already. "Once you get to the studio, there will be contracts to sign, and then you are free until your first interview tomorrow morning."

My first interview. I let that sink in a little as we hurry through the airport. I feel so unprepared.

The exit doors open automatically, the security guard gives a slight nod to the bald man and turns around to go back into the airport.

"Ah, here we go, " the man says as a black SUV with tinted windows pulls up to the curb. "Have a good evening, Miss." He opens the vehicle door . With the amount of crime tv I've watched over the years, I should be questioning everything about this. But I don't. I signed up for this.

Still in a bit of shock and exhausted from flying across the country, I wearily take my backpack off and put it in the back seat where I will be sitting.

Once I'm in, the door shuts, and the bald man walks to another car behind us.

"There she is.... How was your flight?"

I hear the light British accent in his voice. I turn to see the man sitting next to me, who gives me a slight nod and a wink. His accent isn't as strong as I thought it would be, but in person, he looks just as good, if not better than on TV. With light brown hair, ocean blue eyes, stubble around his face and jaw to try to make himself look a little older. Yet, he's about 10 years younger than myself. I know his voice. I listen to his music. I follow him on social media. I am currently sitting next to one of the most famous artists in the music industry

I can't believe this is all happening. I need to respond.

"It was good. Long." I pause, and he stays silent, so I continue to ramble. "Believe it or not, this is my first time traveling by myself." I smile back shyly and find myself starting to fidget with my hair.

The WinnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon