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The mark seared his skin, burning as hot as his own anger that broiled against his scales. Qilin tore through the storm he manifested, flying through the blackened billowing clouds and raising the winds for his own measure. The white palace of the San Pujian sect stood like a cyst at the top of its mountain, with its many tiered platforms set aside for martial arts, training, and even gardening. A thatched hut housed the lower ranking disciples while the opulence of the high cultivators sickened his stomach. He would strike it down if he knew she wouldn't come to harm.

With a slam of his front hoof, he shattered the doom protecting the sect, plummeting with a force that cracked the masoned tiles beneath as soon as he hit the ground. The stairs of the white palace would require a leap, but otherwise, he would charge through the jade doors. The doors flew open, disappointed him, and the Sect Leader exited the inner sanctum. His robes haloed from a protection spell, reeking of light protection.

"Where is she," he demanded, still in his Qilin form. He spoke directly to those present's minds. A few fainted from the experience, unable to take the pure energy radiating from his displeasure.

"Breaking the barriers of our humble sect demands answers of its own. Have you simply done so to protect another?" the elder said, flicking his wrist away from the discomfort.

"Do not play games with me! She is your daughter, Master Jianyu! What crimes has she committed? What sin did you impose on her for your to cast her aside! Did she fall in love with Fenglei and break your pointless packs!" he stomped his foot, shattering another tile as he approached.

The Qilin towered over Xinrui's father, Master Jianyu, forcing the older man to crane his neck as the Qilin approached. "She is no longer my daughter. You harbor a demon."

"A demon would have tried to consume me the moment they realized what I was. She had her chance to devour me whole when I was trapped by the bramble! So confess!" he cracked lightning through the sky, and thunder boomed soon after.

Master Jianyu did not falter, holding his stare. "That woman is not my daughter because my daughter died fighting a demon that threatened the realms. She died, saving us. She died, and her body is being made into a mockery!"

"Is that the truth?" the qilin pondered. He reflected on Ru's innocence and ignorance of customs and traditions, holding her sheltered upbringing accountable, but if not, that meant another spirit could indeed inhabit Master Jianyu's daughter. He shook the thoughts out. No, no demon was ever grateful for anything.

"I have tried to honor your position, Master Qilin. I have put aside my anger and hate to lean towards your judgment," he bowed to him.

"As you fired upon us?" Qilin shot, "You only bow now because I could smash you between my hooves or strike you with fires of truth!"

"And yet, we are still talking. Master Qilin," he lowered his back, and with him all of his students followed the gestures. A cry for him to judge her now. He also felt sick. "A Qilin has the ability to discern guilt and innocence. You are tasked by Heaven to punish the wicked with a judge-like status befitting of such a creature who, when they walk they, do not disturb the grass. You are an arbiter of justice, Master Qilin. So, hear my testimony."

Qi's brow came to the center, but his hoof remained parallel with the ground. What Master Jianyu said, was true, he had spent the last few days judging Rui and determining her character. He had to at least hear what he had to say.

In a calm voice, Master Jianyu restated his speech. "I did not banish my daughter. Days ago, my beloved daughter paid with her life when she fought a demon. In the battle, Xinrui sacrificed herself to destroy it, only for another to possess her body. So, as a father, how can I sit here and watch her body being disgraced? I cannot even bury her while that entity possesses her. So, Master Qilin, do you know what happened to her? Why has my poor filial daughter been forced into this punishment?"

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