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All around my vision, I can see a huge castle look-a-like, with a huge flowered scented garden, looking gorgeous. Unfortunately, everything to me was blur.

I looked upwards and see two people holding my hands. Are my hands baby hands? I thought to myself rhetorically. Then another dream, appeared.

It was of a boy. A little boy, with blonde locks, and ocean blue eyes. I couldn't tell who it was. He was very mysterious though. Soon after the words rang back in my head my I couldn't hear it properly.

I then shouted out loudly, with a voice I cannot recognise.

"Aren' Pumpkin!"

I kept twisting directions to directions, yelling. Whos there! Then I get another dream. It was of the mysterious boy I saw earlier. It's a dream of us, playing, I think.

I sled down a long slide and fell over and the mysterious boy helped me with my injuries and looked me straight in the eyes.


My eyes opened.

Looking at the clock 5.30 am!. I decided to get a little bit more of sleep to drift the time. What kind of dream was that? I thought, before losing consciousness. Little did I know, theres somebody, standing outside my house looking from outside to my window.

Hours go by and Im already at school. Pretty much, I just went to class, as usual, ignoring bullies that try too hard, and now I'm currently on lunch break with my two new besties.

As the months go by, we became so close, that we became non separable, and as for the love of my life. I'm afraid to ask him to the festival that's coming this Saturday. I have my reasons.

Anyway, before I was walking into the classroom, someone touched my shoulder. I instantly pushed him against the wall, with full arm strength. I looked up and quickly got my hands off him, looking away embarrassed. I represented myself I-I am so sorry, Kaiden! I spoke franticly at him, yet he just chuckled.

Always meeting unexpected, huh? replying to me, cheekily. I smiled and agreed with him. I was about to walk away when he called me out.

"Hey, um Bria, do you want to go to the festival with me and my friends?" he asked me. "You can bring your friends as well. If you want" he asked nervously and scratching the back of his neck as he holds in my gaze with a smile.

I had to giggle at his behaviour. It was cute. Very cute. "Sure. Of course, I will come" soon after, we exchanged numbers and left for the second lesson of the day, not knowing a certain brunette was watching them the whole time.


"He did what?!" Tasha as her dramatic self, jolts out of her stool, causing everyone's gaze straight on us. "Ssh! Keep it down, will you?!" whispering to her on a down low to avoid any eye contact. Too late. The mean girls have arrived. Jaina replied not a care in the world.

I did not mention, Tasha and Jaina told me about the three college mean chicks that interrogated me last time we met.

"Hey losers. oh, look who it is, it's the newbie. Jada provoking me. I thought I told you to stay away from Kaiden?" I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for her games. Do I look like I am with him right now? Plus, we are just friends. Take a hike. I slowly go up from the tables. Let's go Tash and Jai.

Just before I could leave, Samara gets in my face. "You better be careful how you speak to me, newbie. I can make your life miserable" and before the other mean girl chicks decided to join in, my girls had my back. "Uh no. I don't think so. You better watch your backs because you won't know what is going to hit you!" Tash, spoke confidently to Samara, Jada and Tamari.

Do you know what Samara did after Tashs words? She got water and threw it at me after walking away. I was stunned to say the least. I was pissed. She ticked off the wrong person.

I know I shouldn't fight but do not throw water at me! Especially for no reason. So, I walked up behind her grabbed her hair and flung her across the cafeteria, I didn't realise how much strength I used into throwing her. Then I got on top of her and started punching her face.

By the time this has happened, the whole students crowded us. Tash and Jai grabbed me holding me from pulling another punch in her face. "Let me go!" and suddenly, it changed from there. A burst of energy exploded within me, pushing everyone out of balance, but it was weird, because when I looked around time managed to stop. What in the hell is happening? 'Briana!' a loud voice echoed. Briana! the voice kept echoing. Whose Briana? I asked rhetorically.

I turned towards the exit, to see the mysterious person I saw last time. "Hey! Wait!" I said as I followed them. By the time I got in the hallway everything went to normal and time was running like normal. I got so confused as people were walking past her like nothing happened.

Eventually Tasha and Jai rushed towards me and pulled me into a corner to speak in private. "W-what happened? How did you do that? Tasha asked concerned and just shrugged my shoulders not knowing myself. "I-I don't know. I don't know what came over me" "Well, don't worry girl. You know we have your back." I thanked them gracefully and left to our last lesson of the day.

Later, it was time to go home so I went straight home, still unsure what happened at the cafeteria. Just before I got inside, I heard the same voice again. 'Briana.' I turned around and thought to find this mysterious person who kept following me.

He was gone. 'Ugh. What is wrong with people freaking me out.' I was about to walk back until a rough hand covered my mouth as I tried screaming for help.

I elbowed him in the stomach, then I tried punching him, but his strength was just as strong, not long later I blacked out and lost conscious.

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