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I woke up with a huge headache. I groaned in pain, while looking around my surroundings. I find myself strapped on a table with sticky tape over my mouth as I struggled to escape, which did not work in my favour. I was totally scared out my pants.

I stopped struggling when I hear the door open. Oh, I have been waiting for this. Oh, look who is awake. I stiffened. He roughly pulled the tape off my face. Ouch! Damn be softer, will you?!.

W-What? W-Who are you? he smiled at me with a creepy look, that made shivers run up my spine. He was surprised at something, but I dont know what. You dont remember. Do you? he asked, enjoying interiorising me. I am so confused as to what was going on. I dont have a clue what you are talking about.

He laughed like a psychopath. Wow this just makes things easier. But dont you worry your beautiful hair about it.... Princess of cleopatra. Wait. WHAT! What is he talking about?

I looked up at him in shock, before I could say anything else he placed another sticky tape against my mouth yet again and did some abracadabra magic on me falling into the darkness.


As I am doing my current duties, I just cant forget about her. She was my childhood friend, I have been searching for her for a long time, and still no luck. Every time I would go to Heimdall I would always ask for her or if he can see her. So I hope he's got any updates on her.

Anyway, I'm walking through the Rainbow bridge and I see Heimdall protecting the gateway of all galaxies. "Heimdall" I spoke loud enough for him to hear me as I smile. "Greetings, sir Thor. How can I be of assistance today?" he questions.

" I would like to check on her. If there's anything you can see, please I would like to know." I replied back with a sense of urgency. " Of course, sir Thor." and Heimdall, used his mind powers, to find her. unexpectedly he opened his eyes.

" what. what is it?" he sighed. " there seems to be a situation down on earth." I nodded, waiting for his reply " and she's there, in pain. Tied up by someone. It looks like...Loki and someone else. But I'm not sure exactly. their face is hidden."

As soon as he told me I felt adrenaline everywhere in my body, filled with anger. I thanked Heimdall and left straight away to find her. My Briana.


'Ugh, my head.' I silently complained as I open my eyes to be in the same place. " wakey, wakey. time to reveal some truths. especially the one you're step-mother chose to hide." he retorted evilly. my eyes widen in shock. 'S-Step-mother'. "Y-You're lying." speaking in denial. "Is that so? so let me refresh your memory." I screamed frantically as his magic caused a huge amount of pain in my brain and lost conscious. Again.

(Memories) - [ Before Memories were erased]

A beautiful looking lady and a little girl was being chased by another ship and was able to escape, then soon came off the huge ship.

"WOW! Mama! This is a Pretty place!" the little girl exaggerated happily and a little bit too loud as she giggled and was quickly hushed by her mother. "Mama? what's wrong, mama?" she tells the little girl nothing, however the little girl kept insisting on asking questions while walking to find a deserted house, far away from their ship.

Then soon knocked on the door urgently as the little girl was shivering and the mother noticed and hugged her. "Hello?!" and the door slowly opens, it was an attractive young woman, just about in her mid-thirties. "Who are you?" she politely question them. "Please can we come inside. It's an emergency, eventually she let them inside.

"Thank you, so much!" "Hold on, I'll get you some blankets." She ushered quickly in the bedroom and got them some blankets and put one on the child immediately to get warmed up. "So, how did you end up here?" the little girl was playing for a while as they had a personal conversation.

The little girls mother explained everything to the young lady and got to know her as well as she. "So, can I gather your forename" the mother asked not knowing how humans speak, very well.

The lady chuckled. " my names serenity. Serenity Clameta. I had a husband but he's passed away." she looks down sadly, missing the love of her life.

"I'm sorry." "How about you?" My name is Bellanda Briana Aerlyn." She nodded in response. "And may I get you're name, sweetie?" she asked the little girl and she was shy at first but had gotten use to the young woman. "My name is Briana. Like mama's name." she smiled her purely white teeth.

Soon noises is heard and the little girl starts crying again. "Mama. Me is scared. I want papa. where's papa!" she started wailing beside her mother, this shattered the mothers heart, terribly. "It's okay Briana! Calm down sweetie. It's okay, Pumpkin." The mother says, soothing her baby girl.

"me no want mama to go to .Please, mama!" the mother sighed in sadness and heartbreak because what is about to do will permanent ruin her forever.

The mother casted an unbreakable erase your memory spell on her daughter, so no one can hurt her. she wants to hide her daughter so no one can touch her baby girl.

The mother silently cried as she erased everything of her past, her, her friends, and her father. "I hope you will forgive me one day sweetheart." she whispered to her as the little girls lays down unconscious.

"S-Serenity. please do me this favour. you must." she nodded in acceptance. "You are the only one I can put my trust and faith in the hand of my daughter. Please take care of her and make sure no one can find her.

I will lead them away, she isn't safe with me. please." she practically begged her which she could not refuse. She gave her baby one last kiss before she exits out the house, and never turned back.

(End of Memories)

my eyes opened up in shock, tears pouring out my eyes non-stop. "Do you have any last words, Princess" the man snarled at me sarcastically.

Before any words were exchange, there's loud thunder-like noise in the sky as the noise worsened. Suddenly, a bang came from.... the walls?

'Who is that?' I thought. He looked like the same little boy I saw in my dreams.

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