She means it

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2 years ago

What I thought was a bad idea didn't turn out to be that bad, or maybe it did.

I mean I've known Fred since I was a kid, he's my ride or die, he wouldn't do this to Michelle, wouldn't he?

"I know him too well for him to do this, he would never", "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!! DON'T YOU SEE MY FACE?!" she yelled, her face was swollen and bruised, it looked like a swarm of bees stung her in the face, "what did you do to him?" I questioned,...

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"I know him too well for him to do this, he would never", "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!! DON'T YOU SEE MY FACE?!" she yelled, her face was swollen and bruised, it looked like a swarm of bees stung her in the face, "what did you do to him?" I questioned, "YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT, MAMMA MIA!" "Seriously, What happened" She sighed and said, "I told him that I was pregnant" Then she broke down in tears.

As I try to process all of this she resumes, "After I told him he got furious and started howling at me" She then went on to tell me how he tried to convince her to get an abortion, "I didn't want to give up my baby, IT'S MY KID. I told him that if he didn't want to be the father I was ready to do it alone".

Even though I know what he did is wrong I somewhat agree with it, I mean she is young and still has her whole life to enjoy, so why would she want to ruin her life with a baby right now?

"I know you're not going to like what I'm going to say right now, but I think you should get an abortion. It's the best option for you right now, you just started working and you live in Italy, it's going to be hard for you to manage your work life while having the stress of pregnancy and then raising a child" All I saw in her eyes at that moment was rage and betrayal, I know she's going to hate me for saying this but it's the truth. "I came to you because I thought you would understand, I thought you would care. I guess I was wrong, I don't want to see you again, and I'm serious. Fuck you".

I thought she was just mad at me, I tried talking to her but nothing worked, it's been days, weeks, months, I guess she means it this time.

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