'Chapter 2 - Part 3' Survival Instincts: Aaron's Desert Trial

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As Aaron moved towards the institute, the late afternoon sun stretched across Lake Sitra, almost 140km away, painting the landscape in warm shades of amber and gold. Amid this peaceful setting, a sudden rustle disrupted the tranquility, putting Aaron on high alert.

Three formidable figures emerged from the shadows—not human, but creatures of the desert wilderness.

"Colossal scorpions? And that first one looks to be at least a category C!" Aaron thought to himself, his heart quickened.

One of the scorpions belonged to category C, its exoskeleton gleaming like metallic under the sun. Equipped with robust claws and a menacing tail, it was perfectly adapted to the harsh desert terrain. The other two were slightly smaller but no less threatening, their sleek, dark bodies blending into the rocky backdrop.

In this diverse world, animals evolution had taken surprising paths alongside with humans  influenced by nature and after the "great event" that took place almost a millenium ago. Over centuries, animals had developed unique abilities, classified into different classes based on intelligence and skills, ranging from Class A to E. The legendary Class S beasts were known to be formidable creatures encountered only by those who never returned.

Humanity, exept from natural evolution, underwent genetic modifications that resulted in the division into seven distinct houses, each endowed with a unique ability. Ordinary citizens were those who chose not to take part in this.. 'genetic experiment'. House Amaral, distinguished by its members' energy manipulation ability, possesses the capability to generate and control electricity.

At Aaron's current skill level, he can generate sufficient electricity to swiftly deal with an E-class beast, while a D-class creature may be temporarily stunned or potentially incapacitated with sustained attacks. However, confronting a C-class beast alone, would prove ineffective due to its formidable nature.

Approximately 150 years ago, advancements in technology signaled the era of spiritual enhancement devices (SEM). These systems not only enhance physical capabilities but also amplify the unique abilities of individuals from the seven houses. Despite their potential, mastering SEM technology remains a complex and rare feat, achievable only by a select few.

These particular scorpions were renowned for their cunning and agility, distinguishing them as apex predators within the animal kingdom's hierarchy. Their exceptional traits surpassed mere physical strength, encompassing specialized skills finely tuned through survival and adaptation.

Aaron's heart raced as he braced himself for the danger. Encounters with such predators in the untamed wilderness were tests of survival. With a deep breath, he readied his instincts and sharpened his mind, knowing that this encounter would push him to his limits.

As the seconds ticked down before the scorpions attack, Aaron's mind raced with strategic calculations.

"It's almost impossible for me to be able to kill them all."

 "Take out the big one first or the two little ones?"

 "If I start running, I'm sure he'll use Radiant Carapace to alert all the scorpions around." 

The critical moment arrived, the first to attack were the two little ones.
Aaron right now was ready to accept whatever happened against the menacing scorpions. Their chitinous forms poised to strike. The two smaller creatures surged forward with surprising agility, closing the distance between them and their target.

With lightning reflexes, Aaron leaped to the side, narrowly evading the scorpions' initial onslaught. As they skittered past, he seized the opportunity, channeling his energy manipulation ability into a focused burst of electricity. A crackling arc of lightning surged towards the smaller scorpions, striking one squarely and causing it to convulse momentarily, its movements disrupted by the electrical shock.

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