'Chapter 2 - Part 4' Between Lessons and Longings

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After Aaron turned back, his first destination was the academy bathrooms, where he intended to wash away the remnants of his encounter in the desert. His clothes bore the evidence of battle—dirty, torn, and stained with blood. Along the way, he encountered fellow students, each reacting differently to his disheveled appearance.

Some regarded him with wonder, likely captivated. Others eyed him with apprehension, and a  few, with a hint of superiority, looked upon him with indifference or arrogance.

Unfazed by the varied reactions, Aaron proceeded steadily towards the showers, his thoughts consumed by the recent epic battle with the desert scorpions.

Despite missing the start of class in the auditorium, Aaron's demeanor remained remarkably calm. Nearly three-quarters of an hour passed before he emerged from the bathroom, cleaned and ready to resume his day.

The first hour nearly elapsed by the time he was prepared. Though he had missed the beginning, his composed attitude suggested that he was unconstrained in the face of  a trouble. With the images of the desert still fresh in his mind, he made his way to the restaurant, knowing there was no chance the professor would admit him to class.

Particularly Mr. Marlowe's history lesson. Mr. Marlowe, a member of the esteemed Romero family of the 1st house, appeared to be between 50 to 55 years old, a fresh middle aged, considering the average lifespan of 120 to 150 years in current times.

Despite his standing, he often treated his students disrespectfully and brusquely, especially those from commoner backgrounds, displaying a sense of superiority. His behavior towards young women of the simple class was particularly sexist.


The restaurant remained quiet, with students on kitchen duty preparing for the morning break. Aaron went for a table by the window and settled in.

"Buddy, we haven't served yet. You'll be waiting a while." A 3rd year student shouted across the hall.

"Don't mind. I'm in no rush."

Aaron slumped in his chair and shifted his gaze to the window. The sky was on the verge of rain, a dramatic canvas split between darkened clouds in the west and patches of wispy formations in the east, bathed in a spectrum of grey and orange hues under the subdued sunlight.

"Are you a freshman?" A tall blond boy, around nineteen, interrupted his nirvana.

"Good morning! Yes, freshman!" Aaron replied.

"Ooh, good morning! My mistake. How did you end up here? Did you come out early?" This senior didn't seem like a bad person.

"No, I never went in."

"Hahahaha! You look so comfortable and cool! I like you! Do you want me to get you something to drink until we're ready to serve?" He wasn't misbehaving at all and seemed like an unworried guy.

"Mmmm, I would drink a natural juice easily!" Still reeling from what he had been through, what Aaron needed was something to energize him.

"Coming right up!" The senior turned to leave but Aaron called him back.

"What's your name?"

"I' m Mateo, nice to meet you!"

"Aaron, I'm glad too."

It was half past nine when the melodious bell signaling the school break rang out, and slowly the restaurant began to fill with students.

Among the crowd, Aaron noticed many familiar faces, including Mikaela. Some of them spotted him lounging in his chair, sipping his juice, and grinned knowingly. As soon as she caught sight of him, she hurried over.

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