Baked Garlic Cheese Bread

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Baked Garlic Cheese Bread

Prep time: 5 minutes   Cook time: 10 minutes

loaf of bread or bun (fresh or stale)
garlic butter (or margarine with garlic powder)
cheese, shredded


1. Cut the bread in half widthwise so the cut section is the largest surface area possible.

2. Smear on garlic butter.

3. Sprinkle on as much shredded cheese as you desire.

4. Place on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

5. Bake at 425°F(220°C) for 10 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown. (You can turn on broil for the last minute if the cheese isn't cooperating. Watch it closely as the bread edges will start to burn about the same time the cheese browns.)

6. Goes well with salads, soups, casseroles, or even just dipped in pizza/spaghetti sauce as a snack.  If reheating, do so in the oven. Gets soggy in the microwave.

Tip: Good way to use stale bread.


Some people say the kitchen is the heart in a home, but mine is more like the crime scene.

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