Prologue - The Savior

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How ironic, a miracle occured in a dark alley in hell.
The fallen angel could barely walk, careful to not be noticed by sinners - In that weakened state, anyone could've swiftly ended his hanging life. Stabbing wounds all over his chest, golden, shiny blood staining his holy robes.
Adam almost found it funny. Few minutes ago he was one of the most powerful beings to have ever existed, now he wasn't all that different from the demons he tore apart without second thought.

Scoffing and hissing, eventually he fell back against a wall.
Even when kneeling on the cold hard ground, he was quite big. As tall as me, who stood up normally.

That's where we met.

My hand reached for that man, too fatigued to even keep his yellow eyes open.
I was - I am a demon, a sinner. Through and through.
Yet, I'm sure I looked like a saint in that instant.

«An angel without a halo fell close to my hideout. Should we call this good or bad luck?»

I usually went around the pride ring disguised. A black hood and a white mask.
There wasn't really a reason, or maybe I just felt more comfortable that way, not letting even one inch of my body exposed.
Perhaps because of my attire, I looked more like a neutral figure instead of a demon to the angel. Don't get me wrong, even if he wanted, he couldn't run away.

«What are you waiting for? Are you a sadistic piece of shit?»

Of course, initially he was confused. Why in the world would a sinner help the very perpetrator of the extermination?

«You're bleeding out. If you don't accept my help, your death is a certainty anyway.»

His breath felt heavier with each second that passed. Then, he grabbed my hand. It was more of a symbolic gesture, not a chance I was able to carry him with my scrawny constitution. I simply led the way as he walked with the last of his strength.

I moved a hedge in the wall, revealing a staircase that led to darkness. As we entered the hole, I closed the passage behind us.

Not long after, we arrived in my humble dwelling. Heh, admittedly I wasn't the tidiest of sinners, with lots of medical gadgets and utensils left around. But as a doctor, I was a neat one! That's the bare minimum, I know.
Still, albeit small, my hideout was hard to spot and sheltered from Hell's malevolent air.

I switched the lights on. My bed was close by, just one turn around the wall.
As Adam laid in it, breaking the slatted net underneath the mattress, he passed out. The bed wasn't built for him! It was almost cute.
I sighed. There was a lot of work to do.


The brown haired angel slowly raised his eyelids, finding an unfamiliar ceiling.
As he tried to get up, a sharp sting forced him in bed.

The angel looked down. He wasn't wearing his bloody holy vest anymore, he was almost as naked as during Eden days. Even in that beat up state, he bore beautiful features. Strong arms, a straight nose and an unkept goatee, bushy eyebrows... oh, over the years he wasn't quite in shape anymore, but nonetheless. All of it, "good" and "bad" felt too human - it was sickening. What was even more sickening, was the amount of bandages I had to wrap him in after cleaning and sewing his wounds. The small quantity of skin visible was as pale as his face.

«I'd stay in bed if I were you. You escaped death's grasp by pure luck. If whoever stabbed you just hit a centimeter to the left-»
«S-Shut up.»

After hushing me, he immediately went for the water I left for him on the bedside table.

«Drink slowly.»

I could see in his glare, my ways irritated him. Probably because he saw me as a sinner, nothing more than a vermin that had power over him in that moment. The concept of gratitude not even scratching his mind.

I was on a chair a few meters away from the bed, still hiding my face, my body, even my hands wore black gloves.

«Why are you doing this? You think just because you're helping me, that it will get you a spot in Heaven?»

He cleaned with his fist a few droplets of water from his chin.

«... Mh. I guess going with the "I'm a doctor, so I can't let anyone die no matter who they are" story isn't gonna cut it, right?»
«No shit.»
«Haha, you're still your glamorous smug self! Good to see. Well, let's say that I hate everyone. Hellborns, sinner, angels, all those idiots, whoops sorry for the angel part. But I respected you, really. I liked the extermination. But with you gone... That would be a problem, right?»

I stretched a bit whilst Adam just looked at me weirded out.

«So, you can stay all you want. I'll take care of you. Angelic steel wounds are a bitch, I'm sure you know. Oh, you can even kill me after we're done. I don't care.»
«Dude... What the fuck is your problem?»
«... My problem?»
«Ugh, nevermind. You're right on some things. I can't die. I have to get even with that son of a bitch Lucifer, and everyone in that shit hotel.»

I clapped my hands and got up from the chair.

«Then that's settled! By the way, it's getting late. What do you prefer for dinner? What do you usually eat?»
«... Pork ribs.»
«Right... those will be hard to find in hell. But let's see if I manage. See you in a hour!»

Of course, he didn't return my goodbye.


An hour sharp later, I was back with a plate of juicy ribs.

«There you go. Ah, they may not taste like those in heaven.»

Adam's belly rumbled, and with a defeated face he looked at the ribs.

«Uff, doesn't matter.»

So, I handed him the plate.

With a big chomp, he sinked his teeth in the flesh.

«Yeah, they're not exactly the same. But they're not bad.»

I was relieved.

«I'm so glad you like them. You see, those are my ribs.»

Time froze. One of the ribs was half in between Adam's mouth and half outside, as he glanced at me with his golden irises shaking. He knew I wasn't kidding.

«Sorry, but pork ribs are simply impossible to find in hell. But I read that human flesh tastes a bit like pork. And you just said that they're okay. So, it's not a problem, right?»

I assured him cheerfully.

He kept watching me, probably thinking of the worst insults he could muster. But-
But his appetite still had the better of him.

He took another rib, swallowing not only the meat, but his pride too.

It tasted good.

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