Chapter Four - The Name

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Humans don't remember the moment they are born.
I couldn't say the same.
I reminisce far too well my first seconds of life, the agonizing feeling of being only an empty lump of flesh developing and floating in a warm fluid. With no thoughts except how suffocating it all felt. Even before being granted wisdom, I became accustomed with the concept of torture. A concept I would hold dear, for the rest of my life.


My writing was interrupped by a hum.

«What's this all about?»

I walked in. There he was as usual, legs crossed and with his trusty guitar beside him.

«Mhh? Well, I'm writing a song. It's called "Dead Bitches Don't Speak"»

I sat close to Adam.

«And... how are the lyrics?»
«Geez. Nosy much? You won't hear shit till it's done.»
«Aw! But I'm so curious!»
«I could give you a sneak peek. But you'll have to pay me in... uhhh»

He tapped his chin thinking of a form of payment. It was hard to find, since he was living there rent free, with free food and healthcare.

«I usually ask for sex or money but I guess you can't give me neither.»
«... How so?»
«No you- Ugh. Forget it.»
«My body is perfectly able to indulge in sexual intercourses.»
«I'm just proving you wrong.»
«No idiot, I meant that I don't want to have sex with you! I don't even know what you look like! And your voice is only mildly attractive.»
«Oh, is it?»

I teased a little.
It was beyond my knowledge, but I found it funny. Adam was an entertaining individual.

«Well, I'll hear it when it's done then. But now, let's talk business.»
«... Sure, whatevs.»

I rose from his bed.

«First, I'll have you know that I successfully mastered space-travel spells. I also learned how to open portals. So, I immediately tested it. I used it to place our whole hideout in a fissure one millimeter wide between time and space. This means that we're floating in ether right now. So, if you want to go out, notice me or you'll surely die.»
«Wa-Wait, are you fucking nuts? You could've blasted away the whole hideout with us inside! The fuck man, start small.»

I stopped a moment to think of an answer. Why did I risk that? Adam raised a fair point.

«Let's put it this way. If I wasn't able to accomplish such a basic task, our already low probabilities of victory would be nonexistent, so we would've only died in the long run. Does it make sense? I consider you somewhat my accomplice, so I recognize I should've asked your opinion.»

Adam scoffed, passing a hand through his cinder-brown hair. Such a normal color. A... human color. He'd surely stand out in hell, is that why he wore his mask? Who knows.

«No, it doesn't make sense and just makes you sound like a suicidal freak. But eh, what's done is done. At least now we have an incredible defense... Shit, you almost remind me of Lute.»

It was not the first time he mentioned the lieutenant, it was a good moment like another to ask about her.

«Lute was my most badass warrior! Danger tits! But sometimes she was incredibly impulsive.»
«I see. You care about her.»
«What? No! I respect her, but that's it.»

He clearly cared a lot about her. Man, he was so easy to read.

«Anyway, I take you can move now. Any signs of your holy light returning?»
«None. Why?»
«I need it. On its own, it's clearly your strongest armament, but if can meddle with it too... we could turn it into our greatest weapon.»

He just watched me in an air of confusion.

«Just keep trying to produce it again. Also, if you can walk, we'll go refill with intel and resources right now.»
«But they will recognize me! I'm nowhere as ugly as you demons.»
«Of course, we will conceal you.»
«Ah. Magic?»

I went into my workshop, returning some minutes later. I threw a crop top at him, a pair of jeans and shoes.

«I'll tell you this: finding your size was a pain. »
I said as I put fake black horns on him in tiptoe.

«Mhh... Something is giving away the angel vibe.»

I grabbed a pair of red sunglasses and quickly put them on him before he could argue, covering his baggy golden eyes.

«No. It's not. For starters, I feel ridiculous. Why a crop top? And my wings are the real giveaway!»
«Not true. A lot of sinners have wings. Although... Yeah, the color may be on the nose.»

I snapped my fingers, and suddenly the wings became of a pitch black, with red details.

«Okay! Now, you're perfect!»
«Wow... can you do something about...-»
«I won't do anything about your belly.»
«Eh, I tried.»


Walking through the Pride Ring, we looked like an ordinary pair of demons. Ironically, I was more suspicious looking than Adam himself. But nothing to do about it.

«I assume you know these roads well enough.»
«Yes. But- How do I put it. I'm not exactly in top shape. If I were to be recognized.»

I lent him an earring.

«Wear it. Should you be attacked, I will teleport you to our hideout right away, and that jewel will notify me. It can also generate a small force field, but it's very weak and will protect you for a very limited amount of attacks. Don't worry, you'll be already safe and sound when its effect will cease.»
«You- You really think of everything. Okay then, before we go, one last question.»

I tilted my head. I gave him a list of the things I needed and where to find them. What else did he want?

«You see, it's kinda weird that we know each other for at least a week and I still don't know your name.»
«Sure, but your timing is strange.»
«Mph. You gonna say it or am I gonna have to fuckin' make up one?»
«Ooh! What kind of name would you give me?»
«It's a tough call between Dickmask and Fuckerhood, Hood or Fucker for short.»
«Okay, you can call me "E" from now on.»
«That ain't a name, that's a fucking letter.»
«Neither yours were names.»
«How DARE you.»
«Come on, let's get moving.»

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