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Infatuation as desperation.


I hummed to the tune of melodies as I pass by the endearing sight of daisies by the park, it was merely white flowers this season. Probably since to celebrate some occasion? Idk.(I'm just not bothering to figure out) Sure enough, it's especially peaceful here(just ignore the fact I almost got kidnapped today after becoming a hero yesterday) I sat by a bench where the shades of different colours of leaves fluttered, orange..yellows..and greens of the leaves hues, autumn is almost around the corner.


"Slow down! Be careful Winter- *****?!"

"Calm down girl! Have fun!!"

"She's right Rie~! Come on now, don't tell me you're allowing us mere weaklings challenge you!"




"You're not running either."


I moved a few strands of the dark blue silky colour away from my face to let my vision see the sight clearly.
A slight huff escaped as I basked in the warmth of the soft glow.

"Are you asleep?"

A calm and soft voice spoke, my eyes opened to see the stranger in front of me, smiling calmly.

The stranger's eyes widened slightly before composing itself, it was a lovely shade of turquoise.

"No, the scenery is merely comforting."

"I see."

"Your eyes.. are like the deep sea, I could drown ..and I wouldn't mind."

Something that slipped out of my lips, feeling drawn strangely to the eyes of the boy.

".Haha..Is that so? Then please drown in them."



After that was silence, he inched closer and looked deep into her eyes, her eyes are captivating. Mesmerising- no, so much more than any could describe.. she has heterochromia. One eye was a vibrant hot pink as the other was slightly lighter, her irises were in the shape of hearts. Also in different shade, one was a vibrant lilac while the other was slightly lighter..and the under of her left iris had a faded vibrant emerald hue.

He wanted to be taken captive by its inhuman beauty, like a pink diamond.
So much more worth than given credit.

But the heart could only have so much until it gives away.

He snapped into reality as she leaned closer and looked into his eyes, she also seemed drawn to..him. He could feel his heart beating tremendously. Her scent was unnaturally sweet, yet it didn't smell like perfume.

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