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New hero, live on air.


I was preoccupied messing around with my suit and examining the substances of how it was made through my scanner. But then my chameleon piece kept flickering red & black, Bugette is calling..I took the clip on piece off my zipper as it enlarged and I opened it like a laptop.

Answering the call.


“Goodness, Versatile— Thank god you answered. Please, help.”

“What is it, pigtails?”

“Well. We're here in the middle of a interview, me and the cat, Nadia boasted about records and photos the media took of you as people barely managed to get a interview this whole month ever since Candycore got deakumatized.”

“You mean pinkette? Well, what about it?”

“...They asked a favor if you would meet us here in the studio.”


“..What— oh- o-okay- see you then I guess-”


She ended the call as I tie my hair into a upper ponytail and clipped my chameleon piece back to suit and zipped it up.(She seemed nervous) I'm rather curious as to what questions the media will have.

I opened a hatch door that I happened to have found in the storage room of my house, I was already familiar with the layout since my vision at dark is good in general and I explored the place for 2 days, finding multiple passageways until it lead me to the abandoned subway.

I quickened my pace and got out of the underground place and leaped toward the studio, the guards recognized me as I entered the room where Bugette and Sourpuss were at.(Courtesy to the kind guard who showed me the direction)

I sat down calmly and greeted a hello as it was recieved well by Nadia who seemed ecstatic(Wow, give me half of your bonus— jk, I'm well off already...) The bluenette and blonde looked at me concerned, I can already conclude what's bound to happen.


The curly haired heroine was elegant and poise..which she didn't seem to notice. Nadia felt conscious of her appearance and straightened her own stature as the dark bluenette spoke.

Her voice was velvety and soft, deeply dark with a hint of gentleness that eased the tension of everyone is the room.

“It is pleasant to meet you, Miss Nadia.”

The pigtailed heroine wide-eyed her curly teammate out of curiosity why she was rather calm.

The blonde was no exception from everyone in the room, he seemed to unintentionally lean into the warmth of the girl but then was suddenly startled as the girl gently caressed his head making him flush, a shade of vermilion dusting his cheeks.

The touch was soft, he leaned in more and hugged her like a child. Ladybug sweatdropped and the others seemed to be pleased with their warm engagement.

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