Chapter I : Forgotten Birthday

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Tom riddle was no ordinary boy. He was different. Seen as petrifying. But did he care? Not one bit. Not at all did he care. Surprising isn't it? You would've expected a ten year old boy who was hated and feared greatly to be at least a bit hurt, but I suppose you expected wrong. Now, the big question.. why was he seen as Horrifying? Well, he hurt people. did he feel bad about hurting them? No. Should he? Yes. But he doesn't. If anyone messes with him he will hurt them without a second thought. He's also feared because he can get animals to do things on his command, no one else. The animals always listen to him. As Tom grew older, he looked exactly like his father, Handsome and very charming, not with his personallity though. he was cold and heartless, blunt and didn't care what others had spoke about him.


(this is the chapter giving off I suppose what kind of vibe Tom has.)

December the 31st 1937

I liked this morning. It was nice. It had a cold breeze to it, just how I like it. It wasn't one of them unbearable colds like we've had in the orphanage recently, it was a surprisingly nice change.

Today was my birthday. I turn Eleven years old today. Do I care? No. I haven't cared since my mother left. She made it seem special. That's why I liked it so much. I don't now. I despise it. Reminds me of me getting older every single day just to die in the end, unhappy. Not having a good life. A waste of a soul to this universe.

I spent my day like usual today. I woke up at 5AM and I stayed in my bedroom for a bit, looking out the chained window, watching people head to work, most definitely having a better life than me. How does it feel not to be isolated every single day behind bars? I wonder. I did know how it felt before my mother decided to leave me one day without saying a word. She isn't forgiven, never will be. This year, I expected something for some reason on my birthday. I asked myself multiple questions to why because I knew I wouldn't get anything. I was weirdly thinking one of the staff members would be nice to me and give me something, I doubted that fairly well. This orphanage is in horrid conditions. You'd think it would be nice to be able to go into the garden in the summertime, enjoying the warm breeze on your skin? But no. The grounds are so unkept it's tearing me from the inside out. If I had to describe this orphanage in one word, it would be misery.

I walked down the loud metal stairs to the library we have in the orphanage. That was the one last thing keeping me sane in here. It's my favourite place to be other than my bedroom, asleep. The lack of colour here really did suck all the last bits of life the other children had here. It was so boring and lifeless, it was a very uncomfortable surrounding. As I entered the library I noticed someone was already there. Already? It was half past six in the morning. Surely they would be asleep, no? Well I guess not then. I didn't know the boy so I didn't decide to talk to him. I wouldn't talk to anyone if someone I knew was there anyways. The boy looked about my age. Nine? Ten? Definitely not older than that. I had never seen him before, so he could be new, or I just don't pay enough attention to my surroundings.

I made my way towards my favourite section of the library, Fantasy. Now the thing I find funny here is that these books I pick out no one else can see. You may ask yourself, 'what do you mean no one else can see?' well, what I mean is, no one can see the book I hold, and it's always something to do with a place called 'Hogwarts'. When I have the book in hand, people already look at me weridly but they look at me like I'm the biggest weirdo that they have laid their eyes upon. To them, I am holding nothing. I just look strange. But to me, I'm holding fascinating books that are worth a read. Sad no one else can read them, isn't it? Enough about these stupid books anyways. I got my book I was reading. It was called, 'The creatures of Hogwarts.' obviously a guide book to tell what the creatures are, and how to recognise them. But I like it. Even if I don't know what Hogwarts is, it's still weirdly much intertaining to read.

As I was walking to the exit of the library, the boy called out to me.

'Excuse me, is that the book of creatures from Hogwarts?' the voice asked ever so innocently. I turned around and looked at the boy. no emotion in my face. 'i'm assuming you can read, so yes.' I pause for a minute before speaking once more, 'What is it to you anyways?' I asked in a rather curious tone. I stayed at the exit of the doorway and stood there, staring at the boy. He had green eyes. They were noticeable even though you could tell he had dark coloured ones. The boy looked at me with a big smile. I didn't like it. I just wanted to get my book and head back to the room, but obviously I'm interrupted aren't I? 'Well.. that book is very interesting. I've read it before. I like it.' he replied, his smile slightly fading, finally. I looked at him with a look which means 'i don't care.' but he of course can't tell, he looks dumb like the rest of them. 'I don't care.' I say coldly as I leave the library while holding my book close to my waist. I walk back up the metal stairs all the way to the top of the orphanage. It felt like an eternity. The rest of the day went by quite fast due to me reading, then sleeping, then reading again. It was very enjoyable. And of course, no one remembered my birthday and I was right but also wrong about my assumptions. it doesn't really matter though, i didn't even care about my birthday, so why should anyone else? i mean, it wasn't their 'special' day was it now? no. so it doesn't matter. I don't even understand why people celebrate birthdays anyways. Why would you celebrate someone getting older, and older just to die in the end, either living their life to the fullest, dying content or being lonley and heart broken for the rest of their life?

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