Chapter III : Diagon Alley.

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September 4th 1938.

Thirty two days ago Professor Dumbledore came and payed me a visit. A visit giving me an opportunity to finally get out of this Orphanage and going somewhere where i belong, Hogwarts. A school for witches and wizards learning magic and potions, about creatures on the school ground. The thing there calling me is the magic side of it. DADA class. 

I'm suppose to meet up with someone today, at half past six, someone called 'Hagrid'. It said in the letter i got from the school. Im meant to be going somewhere called 'Diagon Alley' to get my school supplies, like my wand, books, uniform and a broomstick? funny. I get to fly around on brooms. It seems pretty entertaining if i'm being completely honest with you. Maybe i can finally have some fun in that school. I hope i can. I haven't had fun since i was Four years old. 

As i was sat on my desk reading my book i had, the head of staff knocked on my door.

'Tom, Hagrid is here now. Are you ready to go?' She asked me.

'Yes. I'll be a minute.' I reply back in my usual cold tone i have towards people. The lady just simply nodded her head and gave me a small smile, then walked off. I tied my shoe laces and i headed down the stairs to see a very tall guy standing there. He was at least 7'3 Foot tall. Well, i suppose i am heading to a magic school so i would be expected to see.. creatures.. if thats what they are, lurking around.

'Ey ther' Tom! Ye ready to go to deiagon alleyh?' Hagrid asked me, his hands on his waist. If i had to guess, he would be a professor at Hogwarts that teaches Herbology at Hogwarts.

'Yes.' I said in a blunt tone. 

'Alrighty Tom! Let's go now shall we?' The giant asked.

'I suppose.' I mutter. Hagrid turns around and opens the Orphanage door, showing the front gardens of the Orphanage. It's been long since i've actually been outside of this Orphanage. I mean, yes. I can go outside to the backyard, but it's so ragged out there that i choose not to. Let alone, the other children out there make it worse. It kills the joy of being out there.  I step outside and follow Hagrid.

'Alreight, we both got to walk down the alleyh' way and head to Leaky Cauldron, the muggles hopefulleh wont see us due to how earlyh it is in the mornin.' Hagrid uttured to me. I simply just nodded. We both walked out of the Orphanage and headed to this Leaky Cauldron place. As we were walking there, Hagrid tried to make conversations with me, but i kept being so blunt about the questions that Hagrid just gave up on asking them in the end.

After about ten minutes of walking, me and Hagrid came to a stop at Leaky Cauldron. We walked inside, Hagrid had small talk with a few of the people drinking in there, and then he took me to a stoney storage area. He knocked on a certain brick in a rhythm that i didn't catch, but before i could even react, or ask what he was doing, the bricks moved out the way and to my knowledge, showed Diagon alley.

'Tis is deiagon alleyh tom. tis is where you will get all your supplies for the school year!' Hagrid said to me as we continued to walk down diagon alley. 'Do yer want to go into Ollivanders, the wand shop first or do yer want to get your books first?' Hagrid asked.

'My books.' I said. I was too busy looking around to even pay attention that Hagrid was talking to me. I was looking at the broomsticks in the shop windows, looking at all the Hogwarts students getting excited at stuff i didn't know what they were getting excited over. 

'Well before yer go and purchase ye stuff, we need to head into Gringotts to get ye money, alrighth?' Hagrid spoke once more.

'I don't have any money Hagrid.' I muttered.

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