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The word "fat," it's quite a punch, you see,
Not really, once you've grown to be,
Accustomed to the weight, the way it'll always be,
Genetically, it's clear, it's a part of me.
I've carried extra pounds since I was small,
Around seven or eight, it began to install,
Not much at first, but enough to recall,
The teasing from classmates, a weighty brawl.

But what's the connection between weight and me?
We all have our paths, it's plain to see,
While food and lifestyle play a role, undoubtedly,
It's not the whole story, as you'll soon agree.

A weirdo they called me, that girl unique,
Not the brightest student, I'd often daydream and seek,
In the clouds of my mind, where stories would peek,
Or sketch on my notebooks, creativity's creek.
From primary to the end of middle school,
My academic journey, oh what a duel,
Not a stellar performance, that's the rule,
Dreaming of Disney, an unrealistic fuel.

But what's the connection between weight and me?
We all have our paths, it's plain to see,
While food and lifestyle play a role, undoubtedly,
It's not the whole story, as you'll soon agree.

Growing up with a heart bigger than pounds I bear,
Often alone, rejection, I'd seldom share,
A sensitive soul, rumors in the air,
Anecdotes to tell, maybe later, with care.

For solace, I found comfort in food's embrace,
Or escapism, in worlds only I'd trace,
Being different, it was my saving grace,
In a world of judgment, my secret space.
High school came, and things got a bit brighter,
Friends, social life, no longer a fighter,
Yet, strangely, my weight began to be a writer,
A twist in my tale, a story igniter.

But what's the connection between weight and me?
We all have our paths, it's plain to see,
While food and lifestyle play a role, undoubtedly,
It's not the whole story, as you'll soon agree.

My relationship with food, it's quite complex,
They say "the overweight overeat," what's next?
I do indulge, but it's not just specs,
Mostly coffee and smokes, no feeding apex.
So, what's the issue, you may inquire,
Sleep problems persist, caffeine or not, entire,
Last night, for instance, a sleepless mire,
Restless mind, in the dark, it conspires.

But what's the connection between weight and me?
We all have our paths, it's plain to see,
While food and lifestyle play a role, undoubtedly,
It's not the whole story, as you'll soon agree.

I've been battling weight for quite a long time,
Once lost weight, a size smaller in its prime,
But life's challenges, it's a climb,
Back it came, even more, a weighty chime.
For a year and a half, the fight goes on,
Dukan, Gerlinéa, So Shape, battles won,
"10 kg in a week" programs, one by one,
I know them well, the victories, undone.

But what's the connection between weight and me?
We all have our paths, it's plain to see,
While food and lifestyle play a role, undoubtedly,
It's not the whole story, as you'll soon agree.

I'm not chasing beauty or some perfect frame,
I don't need Kardashian's curves, that's not my aim,
What matters is reconciling, that's the claim,
With my body, myself, no body shame.
I'm big, it's true, wide hips and more,
But I've embraced it, my heart's core,
I won't have a perfect body, that's for sure,
But I'll find balance, that's what life's for.

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