Love's a cruel game

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She walked into the room, caught his eye, a lightning strike,
Hearts collided in the dark, like stars in the night,
They danced through the chaos, lost in each other's light,
But little did they know, it was just the start of the fight.

Love's a cruel game, with no guarantee,
Sometimes you gotta let go, to set someone free,
Their dreams were like oceans, too vast to contain,
She had to break his heart, to release him from her chain

Passion burned like wildfire, igniting their souls,
But beneath the surface, uncertainty took its toll,
Their dreams clashed like thunder, tearing through the sky,
Leaving them stranded, wondering why oh why.

Love's a cruel game, with no guarantee,
Sometimes you gotta let go, to set someone free,
Their dreams were like mountains, too steep to climb,
She had to say goodbye, to give him back his time.

She held his hand, whispered softly in his ear,
"I'll always cherish you, my dear,
But our paths diverge, it's time to part ways,
I'll miss you every second, for the rest of my days."

With tears in her eyes, she watched him walk away,
Knowing in her heart, it was the price she had to pay,
For love's not always about holding on tight,
Sometimes it's about letting go, into the endless night.

Love's a cruel game, with no guarantee,
Sometimes you gotta let go, to set someone free,
Their dreams were like galaxies, too vast to explore,
She had to set him free, to find what he's searching for

So she walked away, with a heavy heart,
Knowing she had played her part,
In a love story written in the stars above,
A bittersweet tale of sacrifice and love.

Free Verse Chronicles: Soulful Writings.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora