Stray kids ~

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Lost souls in a world that's gone astray,
Thirty-something, but we still play pretend each day.
Caught in the grips of pop culture's sway,
But underneath, we're drowning, can't find our own way.

Raised on dreams that never came true,
Inherited fears we never knew how to subdue.
We're the casualties of a world that's decayed,
Stay kids forever, 'cause adulthood's just a charade.

Stay kids, in this messed-up game,
Where reality's harsh, and nobody's to blame.
We're just echoes of a past we can't reclaim,
Stay kids, 'cause growing up feels like a chain.

Scrolling through screens, seeking salvation,
But all we find are hollow validations.
Inflation, geopolitics, pandemic strife,
We're drowning in the chaos of this modern life.

Teaching ourselves from a playbook outdated,
But the rules keep changing, and we're left frustrated.
We're the product of a world that's decayed,
Stay kids forever, 'cause adulthood's just a charade.

Stay kids, in this messed-up game,
Where reality's harsh, and nobody's to blame.
We're just echoes of a past we can't reclaim,
Stay kids, 'cause growing up feels like a chain.

No roadmap for the lost generation,
Just numbness and aching frustration.
We try to find purpose in a world gone wrong,
But the future's a void, and the present feels long.

Stay kids, in this messed-up game,
Where reality's harsh, and nobody's to blame.
We're just echoes of a past we can't reclaim,
Stay kids, 'cause growing up feels like a chain.

So we'll dance in the ruins, with tears in our eyes,
Lost in the wreckage, but still reaching for the skies.
Stay kids, 'cause in this world of pain,
Being grown-up's just a label we can't sustain.

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