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I wish you were there, when
The night seemed quite
The sounds of crickets could be heard
The wind was lightly breezing
The sky had little diamonds embedded
I wish you were there.
I wish.
I wish you were there, when
The heart felt alone
There was loss of warmth
The room seemed dark
The soul lost its joy
I wish you were there.
I wish.
I wish you were there, when
Eyes were searching for you
Skin needed your touch
Ears wanted to hear your voice
Hands needed your warmth
I wish you were there.
I wish.
I wish for you to be there for every passing moment
But you weren't
My heart no longer wished for you
For it had been shattered long time ago
And now
You made me stronger
You made me realise i was enough
You made me look to the deepest corner
To find my inner child
That healed, loved and cured me
For now i no longer wished for you.

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