COMBO-5 (Pt_3)

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As the sun sets and the moon arises
The feelings set in my heart and tears arise in the eyes,
The dust storm rises to the sky hits it's maximum, so does my emotions.
The sky is clouded and so is my mind.
I wish there was strong wind that drove away the storms in my heart and clouds in mind
So I could just see clear and feel better
Ho help me god !
Bless me and clear out things on my way.

I stand at a point where neither you nor anyone can hear me,
Where the clouds are at my feet and the wind gushing out my ear.
A small tear flows out of my eyes without my consent,
I hear my heart beat as loud as a roaring thunder begging me to let go of the pain I have been holding in for ages.
As I get ready to do so,
I wake up from a dream never wanting to be woken up.

Standing at a point where the wind slowly embraces you,
And dark clouds hover over your head letting small drops of rain kiss your skin,
As time passes the clouds shower you with heavy drops from above,
As I feel the drops flowing from head to toe my heart has a storm held inside!
With that I let my tears down from my eyes letting the Strom in my heart take over me. With a smile on my face I let out a deep sigh, thank nature for letting me survive the battle with my heart,
And move out with peace in my soul.

God has some serious plans for me I guess.. Cause he just wants me to learn lessons or wants me to be strong I don’t know.. but I have observed or maybe it's just my assumption I have no idea;
I get close to a person and they fucking start facing problems or get seriously sick or even die.
It breaks my heart that I am not able to express myself. I am becoming distant from my own people and all I want is isolation;
Why is my punishment so heavy?
My heart finds it hard to hold on to all these emotions bottled up,
And my mind is becoming weak,
It can't handle this much pressure;
What wrong did I do to deserve this?

Do you ever feel like you haven't done enough?
Do you ever feel empty?
Do you ever feel like you're just a time pass?
Yes, I feel so empty that I might break down randomly
I feel like I'm a time pass that everyone just stays for sometime and leave you admist the ocean and leave you in the dark!
I feel I'm not enough and I haven't put myself out enough!
I am always left out. I'm not someone who is meant to be!

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