I want to wake up

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In the depths of unconsciousness, I find myself trapped in a swirling maelstrom of darkness, engulfed by shadows that seem to stretch on for eternity. The weight of my despair presses down on me like a suffocating blanket, each breath a struggle against the crushing grip of hopelessness.

Memories flash before my eyes, each one a painful reminder of my inadequacies and failures. I see Eunwoo's distant gaze, filled with disappointment and sorrow as he turns away from me, his absence a gaping void in my heart. Jungkook's betrayal haunts me like a specter, his words of love now tainted by deceit and betrayal.

The echoes of hate comments reverberate in my mind, each word a cruel dagger that pierces my fragile sense of self-worth. "Not good enough," they whisper, their voices like venomous snakes coiling around my thoughts, poisoning me with doubt and self-loathing.

One moment, I am running through a forest shrouded in darkness, the hiss of serpents echoing through the trees as they slither ever closer, their venomous fangs bared in anticipation. Fear courses through my veins like fire, urging me to flee, but no matter how fast I run, the snakes always seem to be one step ahead, their mocking laughter echoing in the empty air.

Suddenly, the ground gives way beneath me, and I am falling, plummeting through the void with nothing to break my fall. The wind rushes past my ears, a deafening roar that drowns out my screams of terror. I reach out desperately, grasping at the empty air, but there is nothing to hold onto, nothing to save me from the inevitable plunge into darkness below.

As I hurtle towards the unknown, time seems to slow to a crawl, each moment stretching out into an eternity of fear and uncertainty. I close my eyes against the dizzying descent, praying for it to end, praying for release from the relentless grip of my nightmares.

And then, with a jolt, everything stops. The world around me fades into nothingness, leaving me alone in a void of infinite darkness. I sink to my knees, the weight of my despair pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. Tears stream down my face, but there is no sound, no solace in my silent cries.

Suddenly, the darkness is shattered by a cacophony of laughter, a chorus of mocking voices that fill the emptiness with their cruel taunts

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Suddenly, the darkness is shattered by a cacophony of laughter, a chorus of mocking voices that fill the emptiness with their cruel taunts. Shadows dance around me, their twisted forms contorting into grotesque caricatures of humanity as they jeer and sneer at my weakness.

"You're not good enough," they hiss, their words echoing in the emptiness around me. "You'll never be good enough."

I try to block out the laughter, to drown out the voices with my own silent screams, but they only grow louder, more insistent. I am overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, of utter despair as I realize that there is no escape from the torment that surrounds me.

In that moment, I am consumed by a profound sense of loneliness, a feeling of being adrift in a sea of darkness with no one to guide me home. But somewhere, deep within the recesses of my soul, a tiny spark of hope remains, flickering weakly against the suffocating darkness.

"Look at you," another voice sneers, its tone filled with scorn. "Weak, pathetic, worthless."

I feel the weight of their words pressing down on me like a heavy burden, dragging me further into the depths of my despair. I try to fight back, to push against the darkness that threatens to consume me, but it's like trying to swim against the tide, futile and exhausting.

Amidst the chaos of my mind, I find myself engaged in a desperate conversation with myself, the words tumbling out in a desperate attempt to make sense of the madness that surrounds me.

"I'm not good enough," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the cacophony of voices that fills the void. "I'll never be good enough."

But even as I speak the words, I know they're not true. Deep down, beneath the layers of self-doubt and insecurity, I know that I am worthy of love and acceptance.

Yet, in the darkness of my nightmares, it's hard to hold onto that truth. The voices of doubt and despair drown out the whispers of hope, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

As I struggle to find my way back to the light, I know that I must confront these demons head-on, to silence the voices of negativity and embrace the truth of my own worthiness. Only then can I hope to break free from the suffocating grip of my nightmares and find peace once more.

"I want to wake up."

"Let me wake up."

"I want to wake up."

I stumble upon a figure cloaked in shadow, its presence ominous and foreboding. I feel a chill run down my spine as I realize that I am face to face with the embodiment of my deepest fears and insecurities.

I hesitate to approach, my heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and dread. The figure beckons to me, its voice a sinister whisper that sends shivers down my spine.

"Come closer," it murmurs, its words laced with malice. "I have something to show you."

I feel a cold sweat break out on my skin as I reluctantly step forward, my legs trembling with fear. With each step, the darkness seems to close in around me, suffocating me with its oppressive weight.

As I draw nearer, the figure begins to take shape, its form twisting and contorting until finally, I come face to face with the most terrifying sight of all: myself.

As I draw nearer, the figure begins to take shape, its form twisting and contorting until finally, I come face to face with the most terrifying sight of all: myself

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I recoil in horror as I gaze into the eyes of the creature before me, my own reflection staring back at me with a twisted grin. It is a grotesque parody of myself, a distorted image of the person I once was.

I feel a surge of revulsion and self-loathing wash over me as I realize that this creature, this demon that haunts my nightmares, is none other than the darkest parts of myself, brought to life in the shadows of my mind.

Trembling with fear and disgust, I stumble backwards, desperate to escape the clutches of my own inner demons. But no matter how far I run, they always seem to be one step ahead, lurking in the shadows, waiting to drag me back into the darkness once more.

"I want to wake up."

"Let me wake up."

"I want to wake up."

Cha Eun woo x Lee Know x Jungkook : I found him firstWhere stories live. Discover now