Part 1:

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Author: The sun was shining bright in the sky, just like his his eyes, stuck on the laptop, his fingers typing quickly, somebody came near his table, the smell he identified "here's the burger and the oreo shake you ordered sir" its the waiter, he nodded slightly, without moving his eyes, there's was a pause of half a second when the waiter put the plate on his table and the glass, turned around looked at him with a smile, nobody could ignore that cute face, those brown eyes and sharp jawline, slim face, cheekbones visible, dark hair looking brown in the sunshine coming from the glass wall of the cafe. Tommy noticed the warmth of his glare on his skin but didn't respond, if it was any other day he wouldn't have let go such a cute skinny boy with curly and tanned skin. But today he had much more important tasks to do instead of pleasing his dick. He had to save his ass today, after he was accused as a suspect of the murder of his own sister.

Yes, that's why he was hiding from yesterday night, after somebody saw him jumping outside his sister's window, his white shirt stained in his sister's blood. His beloved elder sister who gave him a kidney when he was 12, 4 years ago from today.

Tommy and his sister Nisha had a 6 years age gap. But their bond was more like a brother and sister, more like a mother and child since their own mother was on wheelchair since tommy was born. The news of Nisha's murder last night had put all of the family, friends and people and fan following of these two social media influencers had put everyone in trance.

Everybody was gossiping about Tommy and his sister. And he could hear those voices, talking about them behind the walls , talking shit about them weather he killed her for money? Or fame? Or maybe that was another task for Tommy, maybe he went cold blood for money, some people were aware about Tommy's active involvement in the dark side of the internet, the dark web, the hacking and criminal activities, he sure was a computer worm with an IQ of 165, a literal genius. But he was also an incredible guitarist and singer just like his sister. They both won millions of hearts through their talent and love, and social media gave them the chance to show their talent to the world, and within no time they were the stars of social media.

But what happened? Why in the darkness of the night , Tommy killed his sister, the most important and beloved person in his life? On the night of her baby's gender reveal party? Why he killed his pregnant sister in cold blood? Did he , really killed her? The CCTV footage from around the corner of the street shows a man in white shirt, 5'6 tall, fair tone, dark hairs scattered on his forehead, dirty with blood. Body features skinny with visible muscles, just like Tommy. And he was the only one that moment present in the house.

Everything about last night was playing like a slideshow in front of his eyes, in his eyes red with sleeplessness. He was trying to recall every part of that night.

He was cooking the steak, "Atleast tell me, afterall I'm the godfather of whatever that thing is in your belly " he said carelessly, then turned towards her who was cleaning the glass plates and cutlery with napkins, "I am the God father, right?" Raised an eyebrow.
She smiled "no, you have to wait a little more"
"C'mon sissy, I can't wait anymore my stomach is turning around now, y'know I can't hold that long, specially after I just helped, technically decorated this whole apartment in silver balloons, btw usually people choose the blue and pink, why you chose a theme like silver? That kinda feels.. sparkling "
She was speaking something, the sunlight in the month of june was already pretty hot but Tommy was shaking with cold sweat. His head was heavy like he was on drugs, but this was the first time in his life when he was not on drugs but still feeling like he never had, his biggest protector was dead and he was being accused of her murder, his brother in law, was searching everywhere for him, he can't hide longer in a big capital city like Islamabad with a whole police force behind him, specially when his brother in law, the SHO was chasing him like a hungry predator in cold blood for the murder of his wife and his unborn child. The only reason he had to live was taken away from him.

Tommy threw his head in his hands finally, the plate and glass was empty, this cafe was the only place safe for him because it was in a backward area where nobody usually comes, and it was the only place where nobody could recognize him. The slideshow started again, showing pictures, the back of his head was throbbing when he woke up. Nisha! Ah, shit where did this blood came from? He said looking at his hands. Nisha!! Called again, no response, pin drop silence, the sound of clock ticking, the fan moving and the refrigerator was making his head ache even more. With broken foot he came outside the kitchen, noticing the blood drops everywhere. The view in the launch he could see but could not believe in, his sister laying outside on the floor, red fluid spread everywhere,breathless, cold, a knife in her belly, the same knife with Tommy's fingerprints on it, he was cutting stake with that knife 30 mins ago, laughing with his sister 15 mins ago, the stake were cooked and plated , still warm. His head heavy, his eyelids like somebody just put dumbells on them. He couldn't believe what he was looking at, his sister was dead in 5 minutes? What happened in those 5 minutes?
To be continued,
"Stay tuned because the best part is just coming"

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