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Shawn: I get myself in the house, the same house in which my wife was brutally murdered 3 nights ago. I abstained myself from stepping on any place where her blood was spilled. I went directly into my bedroom, which was once *our bedroom*. Grabbed a cigar from the drawer of nightstand and light it. Took a puff and released, the dark grey smoke spread all over in front of my eyes, like a thunder cloud. How did I even thought about that, I kissed Tommy, my Tommy. The Tommy I knew from 3 years ago. The purest soul I ever met, ever seen, the person who in just three days made me open my heart, made me open to love, capable of love.
I was quite convinced by my brain, and my best friend Adam, that I might've judged wrong. But Adam doesn't know Tommy how I do.
I don't know what came over me a few hours ago, I kissed Tommy. I tasted his sweet lips after three years, and that was enough for me to realize that anything that comes out of that mouth isn't a lie.
I could not control myself, after so much time of just pretending like we never met each other before Nisha, my wife introduced us .. I lost control today. It was like his soft pink lips were begging at me, to kiss them.
The smoke spread all over the room, and between that an image started playing, a slideshow:


The sky was fully sunny that day. The sea breeze touching my body, going through my hair. Making the clothes on my body tight as it past through me. Above knee shorts and a sky blue shift I was wearing. It was the spring break which I was trying to enjoy on a cruise ship. Which my friend Adam forced me to go saying "c'mon buddy its the final year, and I'm not hearing no for an answer" although he still has his ways of making me say yes. I met him on the freshman year of college when I was studying in London. Adam wherever the fuck was banging some chick leaving me all alone with a bunch of Twink dancers. Wth I mean. In between all those people, my eye caught sight of some blue eyes. A guy who was wearing just exact clothes and colors as mine. His hair were also dark like mine but kinda spread over his forehead and very long than mine. He was also looking at me the same way, thinking God knows what when I just escaped my way out to the terrace. All of a sudden I heard a voice behind me. Soft, confident and low pitched but Still felt kinda boyish.

"Are you from the future or something mate? "

I turned my face to that voice, he was standing behind me holding a can of soda.

" No just a clone I guess, the less beautiful version "
By matching his Tone of flirting and sarcasm I said the same way. And regretted the minute after, WTH DID I JUST SAID???  a voice questioned in my heart.
He gave a teasing smile then put the can to his lips, those beautiful pink lips, thin but beautiful, so perfect. When he put the can away from his lips, a drop of soda was standing there on those beautiful lips. Which made my cock swell beneath 2 layers. I licked my lips slightly. Why am I noticing him so much? He is just another boy, I don't even like boys, but I think he does.. which was clearly in his eyes the how hard he wanted to get fucked. Which is not new to me, boys like that always used to hit on me, not that I'm complaining but I never felt like that with another boy. Why did he convinced me with just a glance to talk to him. As I was thinking of skipping away he took a step and stood right next to me facing the water putting hands of the railing.

He kept talking in his sweet voice and I just couldn't stop myself but reply to him. He made me appear that side of me that I had been hiding even from myself for years. I didn't realized how much time passed of us just hanging around. Adam was somewhere out there but with Tommy, no other thought even crossed my head but how beautiful, handsome and alive he is.

His laugh, his words, and the way he was sharing his life with me like we've known for years, or maybe I was a stranger that's why we were opening up. Because we both needed someone who just couldn't judge and haunt us. His skin brushed with mine, his knuckles so soft and pink. Made me think about how pink his dick would be... No no no wtf am I thinking?? I think its the sea beeze that's deriving me crazy.

But yet again, the warmth of his glare was piercing through my body, swelling my cock, made an awkward boner in my underpants. So hard right now, my blood was getting more hot and hot , I can see the lust in his eyes, the need for me to take the lead and kiss his beautiful lips, explore his mouth, biting his tongue. These thoughts weren't helping but hardening my dick more hard. The thought of his pretty lips wrapped around my cock. Me bending him over and fucking him hard.

My cheeks become red and I could see him blushing, reading the impure thoughts through my eyes.

I licked my lips slightly and yet felt his hand on mine. The heat of skin was screaming at me, to forget about whatever the promises I've made, whatever the thoughts I've been holding up since all those years.. about me being gay. I always knew I was gay but I always neglected it. But with him I just wanted to put behind everything I've been. I couldn't make myself out of the impure thoughts but instead I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him more closer to me, so close that he stepped  both of his feet on mine. His feet were so soft and cold while the other of his body was so warm. The distance between us not merely 2 inches, I could feel his chest touching my belly since he was quite shorter than me. I must be 5'6 or something and I was nearly 6'3.

I could feel his heart beating against mine, his cock hardening when his zipper was touching the upper of my thigh. I arch my neck down and pressed my lips against his. So soft, so sweet, the best I've ever felt, the taste I never wanna get out of my mouth. I parted my lips a little to get my tongue into his but before that he pulled his tongue into my mouth. Wrapping around my tongue. I sucked on his tongue. With him, nothing feels to be ashamed of.

***Guys keep reading, next part might have some sex scenes***

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