CHAPTER 1: An Ability Or No?

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[1st person POV]

How utterly boring. Korea is rather a... boring country for me. But a pleasant one too. 

Back in Japan,Yokohama. It was rather more...action-y? Yeah I suppose you can describe it that way. While in Korea, it's the same Damm routine every time. And very few people have knowledge of abilities here, while back in Japan it was definitely much more common knowledge. Well I guess Korea is better for me since most people are clueless of abilities...

   Sigh Aside from that there seems to be another...problem right now.

  At first I thought it was an ability's work but now I'm starting to doubt myself...

  I read many books, novels, manga's. Anything that you can think of. And once, I read novel named Omniscient Readers Viewpoint or ORV for short. I know, I know. you're probably just tired of me making this shit long, so I'm just gonna summarise everything.  

A week ago or so, at the market I saw a character from Orv, Yoo Sangah. Pretty unbelievable, right? That's what I thought. 

Until I remembered abilities exist.

But later on, I figured it was no ability's work, since I kept seeing her and that annoying glasses guy(Han Myeongoh). Well now I don't think it's an ability's work anymore. Atleast I saved myself from the sudden embarrassment I got when I remembered abilities exist-

I guess that's what living in a place that no one knows about abilities does to you...

And trust me when I say I've thought of every possible reason of why this is happening. It possibly could be an ability's work? Maybe an ability like making the books come to real life or perhaps making you go into that book? Well, what I've heard from Yosano-chan a few days ago is that, Ranpo-kun has been hanging out with a member of the guild that had that kind of ability. But I doubt the guild would even know my name or appearance...(or maybe they could be after someone else and the ability is affecting others too...?)

But honestly either way there can't be any other explanation besides an ability, can there? Ah, I don't know anymore...Tch- Honestly those abilities... I came to Korea just to just to get away from them! But here they are again!

And suddenly- as I was huffing just at the thought of the abilities, I bumped into a kid- or he bumped into me, honestly I don't know anymore.

Well, I didn't fell since the boy was shorter than me and he was also rather a bit skinny for his age, he looked around 10 or so. Even though I didn't fell, he was the one who fell.

"Are you okay?" I asked, extending my hand to him. He seemed to be alone, I mean if he had his parents with him, They would've probably came here by now.

I noticed something else, filled with cockroaches? Well the box fell too but thankfully it didn't open up. Guess he is one of those kids that loves insects, well can't judge.

Another thing that got my attention was the boy's appearance...I feel like I've seen him before. But where? Okay Yoo Mi, think. He has a fragile build and he is slim, he is about 150 cm's maybe? He has brown hair and brown eyes, wears black shorts and a brown-ish shirt that is a bit baggy for him. And he has a box full of cockroaches...Wait! He is-

"Gilyoung! What are you doing?" Said a middle aged woman. Now, who the hell is she? And Gilyoung? So I was indeed right! Anyways, I quickly helped the boy to get up. God...I can't believe I didn't help him get up even though I extended my hand to him. The last thing I need is to look like a fool infront of a 10 year old for God's sake!

The boy got up and as he stood up he said "Thank you" but it was very quite that probably no one else heard it. I responded with "No problem buddy" the interaction was fast so I didn't really get to see his reaction. But...buddy??since when did I start talking like that? Well not like I've talked with a kid in a while.

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