[×Story Time×]

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Hi! Good day or night or evening- (basically the time it is in your country)

So This is not this Fanfics chapter, this is a simple story time! (I wanted to post something since I may not post Chapter 2 in time this weekend since I had A LOT going on)

Anyways let's start!

Im right now writing this as my legs are basically unable to move- no I didn't break them, it just hurts too much when I move them and it still hurts when Im not moving-

Okay so Imma start telling what happened:

So we have 8 lesson in total in my school and actually nine if we count the last period which is 30 minutes study time. So my school starts at 9am and ends at 5pm. You're probably asking why am I telling you this- just read a bit more and you'll understand.

So we have 4 classes before lunch time(which is 1 hour) and 4 classes after lunch time(excluding the study time). Today we had test for 4 classes nonstop. Like my brain was gonna just get out of my mouth or smth cause I didn't understand anything anymore- Cause I was just looking at some paper without a break for 4 HOURS- so it was then the 4th class, lunch time was there. Me and a close friend of mine decided to settle on the bench we sit everyday as usual. So when the teacher said we were good to go, me and my friend litereally started running like we were in the olympics- And the funny thing is I can't run fast and I have asthma, so if my life depended on it, I probably couldn't run that fast like I did today-

So me and my friend went trough the shortcut door (Normally it's against the rules to open the door but no one in school cares lol) so my friend was going to the main door to leave the building and go to the garden, And in that moment I also went after her. But I had to go through between a huge piller and a big flower pot since I had no choice, anx while I was going through I had the possible worst fall of MY LIFE- Normally I would say Im being dramatic but Nope. I stumble to something somehow and then I just fell onto the wooden floor, face flat-

It hurt so much- anyways then a boy from upperclass asked if I was okay and then I said 'Yeah Im fine!' but then while trying to get up I fell a bit again and then quickly got up going to the garden

BUT. Mother nature decided she didn't love me and when I was going trough the main door(Like I was pushing the door and stuff) my legs decided to give up and just I fell sitting on my knees and this time my head hit the steel door and I fell into the stone-

So yeah that's why Im rn laying like Im in a coffin with how straight and non moving my legs are-

Ok so this is the end! Maybe I'll edit this and tell the other things happened today but Im not too sure
Please tell me what do you think abt this story time and if I should do it often?

Anyways, Have a good day and don't forgetnto take care of yourself!


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