Chapter Eleven

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"Well, at least you stopped." A gruff man spoke. "That might be the first thing you've done right these past few weeks."

I flinched. I was used to the venom that Prince William spat, but when it came from this stranger, it truly felt like I was being looked down upon as if I were no more significant than an insect.

No matter how he speaks to me, I can still get some answers. "Sir," My voice was soft, "I know I'm not supposed to be out, but I had so, so many questions."

"You lost the privilege to ask anything a while ago," he snapped. "So don't bother asking me."
I turned my head towards him with pursed lips. "I know better than to blindly believe that, sir-who-ever-you-are." I shot back. "If you can't—or won't—answer my questions, then I'll find someone that can and will. I need to understand my situation better so I can undo this entire mess, but I can't without asking around!"

"You need to... is this some kind of joke—""

"If it were a joke, I'd be laughing!" I was on the verge of yelling. "I lost my memories, sir! I can't even see you, even though I know I'm supposed to! I barely have an idea of who or where I am and I definitely have no clue why I would marry that... that Prince!" Tears of frustration stung my eyes. "Please sir, I just need help. I can't remember on my own!"
If I could, without losing whatever face I might have left, collapse into a thrashing pile of tears and screams, somewhere distantly in my mind I wondered if this would be the moment. A small part of myself whispered that it would take much more than this trifling matter—even with all the build up the past few weeks.

Even in the face of death, I would not act so disgracefully. As such, this was not worth breaking down over. Not over such a simple question.

Yet the tears that leaked out refused to obey such logic.

Oh, I'm crying in front of him. My mind came back to reality. Stop crying... you can't cry. At least you can pull yourself together. So do it. Just do it.

The man was silent as I attempted to get a handle on myself, and when I did, he quietly spoke again. "I am obligated to help you to your room, but I am neither authorized nor inclined to do anything otherwise." He grabbed my arm and slowly dragged me away.

Don't fight against him, That same soft part of my mind whispered. Remain calm. Follow quietly.

So, I waited.

"Room, attention!" A reedy voice came from somewhere in front of me. "Good early evening, sir!"

"Is it?" The voice that was once quiet and full of poison turned to a loud, rumbling rage. "Is it really a 'good early evening'? If I saw correctly, this one here," He yanked me forward, "made it past your station without so much as a peep from you."

"O-oh... guh, sir—"

"Stand at attention before I fix it for you!"

"Y-yes sir!"

"And don't 'oh' and 'guh' me! What're you, some big bumbling baby brat who needs his mommy to change him every time I walk in the room?!"

I was rooted in my spot. What. What is... what is happening right now?

"Sir! The Prince informed—"

"Oh, so are you and His Majesty the Crown Prince buddies now?! And stand at attention—"

"Sir! His Majesty the Crown Prince—"

"Don't interrupt me!" He shouted. "And where the hell is your reporting statement?! Fix your face—STAND AT ATTENTION! DON'T WRING YOUR HANDS!"

"Sir, Entry Guard Five Delta—"


"Sir, Entry Guard—"


"Sir, Private White reports as ordered!" A pause. "Sir, His Majesty the Crown Prince ordered me to not restrain, speak, or touch her in any manner."

The man sounded utterly baffled. "When?"

"Just a few moments ago, sir!" Private White sounded like his nerves were on the verge of going kaput. "Specifically, just before she passed my station!"

The man sighed. "Fine, everyone carry on—not you young lady. You..." He released me. "... need to head down and to the left. Now, Private White! I could've sworn you were listing off before I set you straight. What, is this job not important enough for you?"

The Private cried out. "Sir, Private White reports as ordered! I was wide awake, sir."

"Oh, were you?" He mocked. "Then can you tell me where the hell the other Entry Guard is?! Don't tell me for a second that he's off fooling around with that maid again, or I swear I'll have you both thrown out of here so fast that—"

He paused. "Leave." He growled at me.
I dashed off, more than relieved to leave behind such a passionate conversation.

As soon as I got over to the designated area, I put my shoes back on, knocked on every door I came across and then used my hands to guide me along the hallway.

Stone, wood, knocked, silence. That's what happened several times over. More times than I cared to count until I looped around the hallway again.

Eventually, I simply crossed my arms and leaned against the nearest wall. It's rude to keep a lady waiting, but what is it when you mislead someone? I thought bitterly. Why would that wanker tell that guy to let me pass undisturbed if he was just going to stonewall me?

I shook my head to knock the thought out of my head, but it didn't help that the only stimulation that could distract me, were the stone walls that caged me in these dark halls. Myself, and other people—people that rarely ever talk to me.

My hands wrung together. Focus. I soothed myself. You need to ask that arse about that journal and the dream I had. Who knows, it might trigger another memory. I grimaced at the pit that grew in my stomach. But he might not even be here and I'll be the fool once again.

I rapped on one more door and braced myself for disappointment and yet another round of knocking on doors again.

"Enter." Said a cool man's voice.

Prince William. I gripped the handle and nudged it forward.

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone! Thank you for reading my story! If you like it, please consider starring the chapter and tell me what you think so far. Thank you and have a great day!

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