Chapter 1: The Party

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                 " Are you ready for the party tonight?" my best friend Maura Song asked flipping her jet-black hair over her shoulder. She is so pretty. She has clear skin, pale blue eyes hinted with gray flecks, and she always has a really cute fit on. I wish I could be her. Meanwhile I just stand there with my plain brown hair, and basic outfits. I mean I am not ugly or even plain, but all my friends are stunning. I push through a crowd of obnoxious boys.

              " Of course I'm ready, it's gonna be so fun, " I laugh. " Well I'll see you in a bit,"I say and I walk away. My party is gonna be a blast. I'm having all my friends sleepover in my basement of my new house. They've never been there before, and I'm so excited. 

                My new house is huge. It's an old Parish Manor that was built in 1872. It's really pretty and fun to walk around in. I have always lived in Creekside. My parents and I used live in a dingy, old apartment, that was until my weird old uncle died. I think his name was Tom or  something. Anyways this was his house for a while, and now it's ours. 

                I slam my locker shut, and turn around. Time for me to go home and decorate. The party will be so fun.

Charlie CharlieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora