Chapter 2: The Discovery

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                    I quickly put up the last food tray as the doorbell resounds through the house. Must be the pizza. I stumble through the room over the boxes of decorations on the floor. I dart up the stairs and to the front door. My dad is already at the door paying the pizza kid. I walk back downstairs. I'd better hurry up with the decorations. I grab the stool I was standing on and start to pick up the boxes of decorations. I pull my sweater out of one of them, and at the bottom of that box there is a little wooden case. I could swear that wasn't there before, but whatever. I pull it out. It is really dusty. I blow on it. There is a little gold lock on it. I look, not long, for a key. It's a tiny golden key. I unlock the box. 

                  It is old so it unfolds in a weird way. There is a oujia board in it along with the piece moving thingy and two long, brown sticks. There is a folded piece of paper in the board as well. I pull it out of the fold it's in. It's old and shriveled, but it's kind of warm, weird. I unfold it gently as not to break it all it says is "Charlie Charlie". It's kind of cold down here and the party is about to start. I pick up the case and put it in the game shelf. I notice a signature on the back of the case " Tom Beck" is what it says, and right above it says :  " Do Not Call Charlie, Whatever You Do". I shrug and throw it in the game cabinet and clear all the boxes up. I run upstairs just as the doorbell ring, " Coming! " I shout.

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