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 I came back to school after the wave became steady, I wondered what she would say to me. I sit in my seat and I hear footsteps. I look up and see Hinata with a shocked expression. She immediately runs towards me. She holds me in her arms and I hold her back. She says "Rain, what happened to you? You were gone for so long.". I tell her, I tell her about my depression and about the feelings she made me feel. I needed her to understand this, I needed her to see that this was going to happen again. I can not control my depression, that is the truth but all I can do is try and let someone in. Hoping that they will stay even though this is something that cannot be taken lightly. After telling her everything, silence takes a hold of the space between us. Say something, please, let's have this conversation, let's connect. Let's understand each other more. She says "You must have been so alone dealing with something so heavy. Rain, I cannot cure this but I'm glad that I made you experience these feelings. I'm so glad I was the one, to tell you the truth I also deal with depression. I was once like you but I looked for help.". I say to her "You were like me? You look so happy, can I be happy?". She smiles and I can tell that's a yes. She says "Can I be honest with you, from the moment I saw you I knew you and I were destined to meet. Rain, I love you. Can I stay by your side?". Shocked is what I felt, love me? How can someone like her love someone like me? Love, is that what I felt as well? Am I allowed to love? Love, an emotion that describes a deep affection for someone who has captured your heart. I felt this without knowing it. 

Hello, Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن