{Chapter 8: In Bad Taste}

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lazy supper sun had begun to set, and lunch wasn't far behind them. They'd talked a bit longer than intended, catching up over one thing or another. Mostly just reminiscing. By the time they'd paid the check, there was no point in heading back to their dorm room. Instead they left straight for the music venue. It was hardly five; a little early for a party, but knowing Jeff, it'd last until sunrise.

Vinny slumped off of the city bus with his hands warm in his pockets. He checked over his shoulder to ensure that Kailan was trailing close behind. Even though the sky was painted in such romantic hues and the night was early, Vincent knew the folks on this side of the city all too well. Sometimes you just couldn't turn your back to even the most seemingly manicured streets of Seattle. Drugs and violence were rampant around these parts, and like some overbearing older brother, he felt insecure with Kailan behind him. In fact, he'd nearly taken him by the hand and towed him along a bit faster, just as a precaution. It was almost like a reflex, inexplicable, but familiar. Thankfully, his hands were already shackled to his jean pockets, so making an ass of himself was out of the question.

He felt a wave of relief and a splash of cold air as they made their way into the club. Atop the stage, a disk jockey fumbled with his equipment. He grumbled into the microphone, bitter unintelligible words. Obviously he had grown weary of catering to college parties.

"Hey!" a sharp voice called from the distant side of the room, where the cheer squad were puttering about, setting up an array of drinks. A bubbly blonde raced to meet him, her arms open wide for a hug.

Vincent, of course, welcomed it, gentle hands finding their way to her waist as she embraced him by the neck.

"I heard you were coming. How was your summer? You never texted me, you asshole."

Once the ditzy blonde had peeled herself from him, Vincent couldn't help but drink up her appearance. As always, it was mandatory that Cally never wore an inch more clothing than the rest of her friends. Her ensemble, in fact, was the sluttiest thing he had seen all day. He smirked at the sight of the t-shirt that cut off just below her breasts and the daisy dukes that rode her hips like no tomorrow. Not his taste, but it didn't hurt to enjoy it anyways.

"Vinny!" One of the other girls had noticed him, and alerted the small group. All six scurried to his side with kittenish grins on their flawless fine-lined faces. He hadn't even had a chance to speak.

"How've you been?"

"What's up, Vinny?"

They each greeted him with gentle hugs, the likes of which he hardly had the patience to return. Once their excitement had calmed, he look a safe step back to Kailan's side.

"This is Kailan," He gestured to his friend, his arm snaking its way around Cally's bare waist. "Kai, this is—" He fought for all seven names but they just weren't coming to him. "The... cheer squad."

"Seems you're just as popular as when we were in high school." Kailan's eyes barely grazed the group of girls, though something resembling a smirk graced his lips. "Maybe even more so?" He gave them all a quick smile, tugging up his sleeves so they rested around his elbows. "How do you all know Vinny? I'd love to hear about all the shit he's done." The smirk was replaced with his trademark Cheshire grin, eyes leveling with Vinny's rebuking glare.

"Um...." Cally bounced back on her heels cutely. Her bust bounced along with her, but Vinny was far too busy shooting daggers in Kai's direction to notice.

He had slept with nearly every one of them, and he wasn't exactly sure that they all knew it. This was typically how cat-fights ensued, wasn't it? Kailan you ass.

"We're gonna grab a drink," Vinny interjected, releasing his hold on Cally's waist.

He nearly dragged Kailan by the cloth on his neck over to the safety of the drink table a few yards away.

"Okay. New rule," he hissed, pouring himself a shot of whatever he could get his hands on first. He tipped his head back and the harsh taste flooded his mouth. Some weird fruit-flavored vodka. "Gah...." He exhaled the burn, turning to Kai with a grimace. "No talking. To anyone."

Kailan nearly choked on a laugh. "Oh." He drew out the word, obviously aware of the dire situation. "Busy while I was away, I see." He muttered it, just loud enough for Vinny to hear, then he sneered as he poured himself the same. "Don't worry, I won't tell them your dirty little secret. Though,"—he swirled the drink idly in his hand, his gaze falling elsewhere,—"you have shitty taste in women."

Vincent only glared at Kai from his peripherals, dumping another shot into his glass and lifting it to his lips, only for it to be snatched away by a claw-full of manicured nails.

"Don't drink that, hon. It'll ruin your taste buds."

He found himself lost in a dark caramel, and only when her long, dramatic lashes flickered closed and open again, did Vinny realize he was staring into the sharp golden eyes of the girl from the elevator.

She brushed honey-brown locks out of her face, handing him a full glass of frothy golden beer. "First tap from the keg." She smiled, lips folding into a sexy sly crescent.

Vincent let off the slightest hint of a smirk, and brought the glass to his lips. "Thanks, sweetheart."

The sly-eyed brunette gave him a wink and turned sharply on her heels. By the time he had taken his eyes off of her curvy physique, he had come to notice the small groups of people were starting to arrive. Not only that, but all this time soft music had begun to chase away the silence.

As he took his first swig, something tasted off, but maybe it was just a brew he was unfamiliar with, or perhaps a slight taste aversion from drowning himself in the same sickening liquid a few nights ago. He ignored the bitter flavor as his icy blue eyes rested on Kailan, gesturing toward the girl with his glass. The beer sloshed a bit, dampening his fingers. "And her? Still in bad taste?"

Kai hardly even glanced at her before his lips twisted into a grin. "Do you happen to be interested in any girl that glances your way?" He blew some air out of his nose in a laugh, shaking his head at the promiscuous blond. "And to answer your question: she's the worst in your party of whores." Kailan brought his drink to his lips, turning his attention away from Vinny to take in the crowd that was gathering.

"You're so...." Vincent withdrew his insult. Something wasn't right.

He froze. Or at least, he tried to. His legs suddenly felt a bit numb, and his body swayed just enough that he nearly had to lean on Kai for support. As his eyes read the room, it was almost as though they were moving at lightning speed. Too fast for his brain to keep up with. In turn, every glint of light left smudges in his sight, like the blur of a camera when the picture is taken in motion.

What the hell was happening? Sure, it had been a while since Vincent gave up drinking, but no way in Hell was he a lightweight. It was something else sending a vertigo rushing through his body. Then he saw the doll-faced brunette glance back over her shoulder with a wicked grin.

Kailan was right about one thing. She was definitely the worst of them all.

And he remembered her now.

He stared down at his half-empty glass, watching as the foam settled atop the surface. His reflection stared back with a look of regret on his chiseled features.


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