{Chapter 9: The Suits}

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was having a hard time keeping his mouth shut. Still, he managed to barricade his thoughts to himself. When Vinny began to waver, he grabbed him by his arm until he regained his footing. "You okay there?" If he was to guess by the vacant clouding in Vincent's expression, he was not.

As Vinny examined his drink, Kai raised an eyebrow. Jabbing a thumb hard into Vinny's side, he moved in front of the taller boy, tilting his head curiously to the right. "Are--" He paused for a moment, a grin cracking its way onto his face. "Did that girl drug you, Vinny?" Oh this was hilarious.

Vinny only let off a short grunt, rubbing desperately at his face to clear his head, "She's done it before."

Kailan perked quite a bit at the confession, brow furrowing as a sigh rocked his lungs. He wasn't one to admit to things, but he'd had his fair share of experience with drugs. He'd never seen Vinny under the influence of anything other than alcohol, and even then, he typically had some self-control left at the bottom of the bottle. This was different, though. He was uncertain of just what substance the enigmatic woman had sent swimming through his bloodstream. "Shit, you know they say never accept drinks from others." He said, resting a hand on Vinny's shoulder as he met the slender eyes of the girl. Her expression was much like a cat that had cornered a mouse; proud and smug of her helpless catch. "What a bitch," He hissed, his sights returning to the wobbly Vinny who staggered back a step or two.

"You need to sit down or something?" He was concerned for his friend. He'd deal with the girl later.

Vincent set the tainted beer aside, though he missed the table--by quite a lot, at that--and only managed to drop it to the ground with a sharp crash. He eyed it for a minute with the most muddled of expressions. Whatever he had ingested was working its magic. "Yeah." He muttered, struggling to focus his vision on Kai as his faded Irish tongue slipped its way into his words, "Sitting might be good."

"Can you walk or should I carry you?" Despite the serious question, Kailan's tone was joking at most. Draping an arm around Vinny's shoulders, he led him to a table that was a little out of the way--a safe distance from the crowd, but not so far that they seemed conspicuously out of place.

"How many times has she done this?" He asked, helping Vincent safely into the rickety metal seat and pulling up a chair for himself. He watched as Vincent shook his head with a smirk, and let out a groggy sigh.

"Twice." He held up the wrong amount of fingers. His head lulled back against the chair as if it were too heavy to hold up on his own. "I couldn't remember her before, but I do now. That girl has it in for me."

"What? You screw with her best friend?" Kailan was oblivious to the woman, but she gave off an eerie vibe, and it was all he needed to go by. "Women are a pain. Maybe you should stop accepting drinks from her."

"I would." Vinny grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "But I'll forget all about this like last time."

Kailan cursed under his breath, looking to the mass of the party. Everyone was mingled together, careless and happy in their soon-to-be drunken stupor, but Kailan felt uncomfortable in this place. The music was too loud, his friend who he hadn't seen in three years had been drugged, and the catty woman was shooting them relentless looks from across the room. Nothing about the situation was pleasing.

Standing to his feet, he made the short venture to the refreshments table. It took effort just find water among the glut of alcoholic beverages, but he laid his eyes upon a bottle of seltzer, just waiting to be cracked open and abused by sugary syrups and bitter booze. He filled a glass with the only sober liquid and returned to Vinny's side, before the asshole could flee his chair. Though, that didn't seem possible at the moment. He was pale, his eyes heavy. Frankly, he looked like hell. "Shit like what she gave you causes dehydration. And since I care," Kailan gave an exasperated huff, setting down the glass, "drink some fucking water."

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